loops - JOIN SQL Query for Improved Performance -

i having performance issues , want understand joining of sql queries achieves, have read example , consider myself avid coder 1 baffles me, point did below achieve goal....

you'll see below, first auxkey staux000 webshow = 'y'

these results in array implode commas use in next query! - bad know , or it...

i want end of with, in end stock table auxkey set 'y' in staux000

make sense?

$webshow = "select auxkey staux000 webshow = 'y' "; $wsres = odbc_exec($connectforwebshow, $webshow);   while( $wsrow = odbc_fetch_array($wsres) ) {  $_session[showontheweb][] = $wsrow[auxkey];  }  $showondaweb = $_session[showontheweb]; $imploded_arr = implode("', '000", $showondaweb);   $cfwsq = db_connect();  $wstquery = "select name, number stock "; $wstquery .= "where stock.location = 'lane' , upper(stock.name) upper('%') ,         number in ('000";  $wstquery .= "$imploded_arr"; $wstquery .= "') ";  $wbstres = odbc_exec($cfwsq, $wstquery);   while( $wbstrow = odbc_fetch_array($wbstres) ) { $number = $wbstrow[number]; $_session[allstock][name][] = ($wbstrow[name]); $_session[allstock][number][] = ($wbstrow[number]); }  

why don't try join sql code sql optimize it.

something like:

select name, number stock stock.location = 'lane'  , upper(stock.name) upper('%')  , exists   (     select auxkey     staux000     webshow = 'y'       , stock.number = staux000.auxkey ) 


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