vb.net - Wrongly inserted values to MySQL table -

when executed query:

"insert search_option(filename, file_path, keywords)" & _  "values('csharp_tutorial.pdf','d:\pdf_record\csharp_tutorial.pdf','c sharp tutorial')" 

the value inserted table. when select value table

select * search_option s;  

will give result as

filename             |     file_path                    |    keywords                      |                                  | csharp_tutorial.pdf  | d:pdf_recordcsharp_tutorial.pdf  |  c sharp tutorial 

the problem d:\pdf_record\csharp_tutorial.pdf inserted d:pdf_recordcsharp_tutorial.pdf why \ disappears...?

please suggest me solutions

the problem \ if want insert \ database need add \\ in code same in case of double quotes if want double quotes means need add \", other examples escape sequence available here enter image description here

hence code be:

"insert search_option(filename, file_path, keywords)" & _  "values('csharp_tutorial.pdf','d:\\pdf_record\\csharp_tutorial.pdf','c sharp tutorial')" 

if execute vb.net can use replace method replace \ \\

filepath.replace("\", "\\") 


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