java - ajaxform not submit the value if attachment is not available -

i beginner in java , go create 1 web application. submitting 1 form controller using ajaxform. there few elements , 1 of them type=file.

my controller method following

    @requestmapping(value = { "/addreplies" }, method = {,         org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.requestmethod.get } ) @responsebody public map<string,object> addreplies(         @valid @modelattribute("replies") replies replies,         bindingresult result, httpservletrequest request,         httpservletresponse response,locale locale,principal principal,         @requestparam(value = "filedata2",required=false) commonsmultipartfile filedata2[]) throws servletexception,         ioexception {              //perform opraton         } 

this work if there attachment available in data otherwise not go method.

if remove @requestparam(value = "filedata2",required=false) commonsmultipartfile filedata2[] parameter method work way cannot attachment.

please try understand question , give me possible solution.

this method working if not using ajax , submit form regul

for uploading file need use enctype="multipart/form-data" in form. if want use ajax upload file, along simple ajax call need use methods


whey uploading file, before serialize ajaxform first check filepart null or not, if null disable element longer availability , submit

beforeserialize: function($form, options){ //before serializing data have disable element if data not avaliable          $(".attachfile").filter(function(){                return !this.value; }).attr("disabled", "disabled");          }, 


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