Can I still get Facebook Friends with An App Created BEFORE April 30 2014? -

i know whole april 30 policy of big brother doom facebook has introduced, read somewhere:

"for apps active before april 30th, these apps can call either graph api v2.0 or graph api v1.0, graph api v1.0 deprecated on april 30th 2015."

does mean if have app active before april 30th 2014, still able use api v1.0 users friends until next year?

i have read depends if user logs app api1.0 or api2.0 ... how users have ability choose api, , mean have access user's friends if use v1.0, not if use v2.0?

apps created before april 30th 2014 can still friends, until april 30th 2015.

you can force older apps use newer api version:

(see "version" parameter in init-function)

you can add version tag in api call, see changelog more information that:

keep in mind can´t force new app use older version of api.


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