java - Hibernate to Eclipselink, PostgreSQL and UUID -

here's had write uuid working primary key, full uuid types (on ends) in hibernate. since relies on hibernate specific code, have convert code work on eclipselink?

package com.lm.model;  import org.hibernate.annotations.genericgenerator; import org.hibernate.annotations.type;  import javax.persistence.*; import javax.validation.constraints.notnull; import javax.validation.constraints.size; import java.util.uuid;  @entity @table(name = "tasks") public class task {  @id @notnull @type(type = "pg-uuid") @generatedvalue(generator = "myuuidgenerator") @genericgenerator(name = "myuuidgenerator", strategy = "uuid2") @column(name = "task_id", columndefinition = "uuid") private uuid id;  @notnull @size(min = 1, max = 100) private string description;  public string getdescription() {     return description; }  public void setdescription(final string description) {     this.description = description; }  public uuid getid() {     return id; }  public void setid(final uuid id) { = id; } } 


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