jquery - Javascript Callbacks within Object Methods -

this more question involving why 1 of solutions works , other doesn't. i'm new js, been learning couple of months , whilst have of basics down, feel knowledge of best practice lacking.

i'm creating animated hero image top of infographic , on i'm using js create 2 trains moving across screen, 1 left right , other right left. created following code, worked:

    $(document).ready(function() {          var anim = {             train1: $(".train-one"),             train2: $(".train-two"),               moveleft: function(percent, duration) {                  anim.train1.animate({left: percent}, duration, "linear")             },              moveright: function(percent, duration) {                  anim.train2.animate({right: percent}, duration, "linear")             },               lefttrain: function() {                 anim.moveleft("33%", 1000, anim.moveleft)                     anim.moveleft("66%", 2000, anim.moveleft)                          anim.moveleft("100%", 1000, anim.moveleft)                             anim.moveleft("-100px", 1)             },              righttrain: function() {                  anim.moveright("40%", 1000, anim.moveright)                     anim.moveright("60%", 2000, anim.moveright)                         anim.moveright("100%", 1000, anim.moveright)                                 anim.moveright("-100px", 1)             },         };          anim.lefttrain();         anim.righttrain();         setinterval(anim.lefttrain, 5000);         setinterval(anim.righttrain, 6000);      }); 

what i'm wondering why following didn't work when expected to, created seperate method reset train once callbacks had been completed:

        resetlefttrain: function(test) {         anim.train1.css("left", "-100px ");     },      lefttrain: function() {         anim.moveleft("33%", 1000, anim.moveleft)             anim.moveleft("66%", 2000, anim.moveleft)                 anim.moveleft("100%", 1000, anim.resetlefttrain)                         anim.resetlefttrain()     }, 

sorry if answer obvious, i'm not used callbacks in plain js. please feel free give other pointers regarding structure etc. appreciate it!


edit: solved issues answers below , code works follows:

    $(document).ready(function() {          var anim = {             train1: $(".train-one"),             train2: $(".train-two"),           moveleft: function(percent, duration, callback) {             this.train1.animate({left: percent}, duration, "linear", callback)         },          moveright: function(percent, duration, callback) {             this.train2.animate({right: percent}, duration, "linear", callback)         },          resetlefttrain: function() {             this.train1.css("left", "-100px");         },          resetrighttrain: function() {             this.train1.css("right", "-100px");         },          lefttrain: function() {             var self = this;              this.moveleft("33%", 1000, function() {                 self.moveleft("66%", 2000, function(){                     self.moveleft("100%", 1000, function(){                         self.resetlefttrain();                     });                 });             });         },          righttrain: function() {             var self = this;              this.moveright("40%", 1000, function() {                 self.moveright("60%", 2000, function(){                     self.moveright("100%", 1000, function(){                         self.resetrighttrain();;                     });                 });             });         },     };      anim.lefttrain();     anim.righttrain();     setinterval($.proxy(anim.lefttrain, anim), 5000);     setinterval($.proxy(anim.righttrain, anim), 6000);      }); 

next time may using jquery .promise() method avoid ugly indentation.

thanks help, hope question , it's answers useful others

you need provide anonymous callback functions animations. lack or semi-colons give impression nested :)

 anim.moveright("40%", 1000, function(){     anim.moveright("60%", 2000, function(){         anim.moveright("100%", 1000, function(){                 anim.moveright("-100px", 1);         });      });  }); 

and make methods take callback pass on:

moveright: function(percent, duration, callback) {      anim.train2.animate({right: percent}, duration, "linear", callback); }, 

the end result each animate call finished, execute code provided, chaining animations together.


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