linked list - Inserting node at the end of LinkList in C -

i don't have problems insert nodes in middle or @ beginning of linkedlist. however, @ end different. when try print values, gives me address:enter image description here

now, here how build linkedlist:

employeedata ed[4];  node *head = null, *list = null;  (int = 0; < 4; i++)     fscanf(file, "%d %s %d %d %lf", &ed[i].emp_id, ed[i].name, &ed[i].dept, &ed[i].rank, &ed[i].salary);  head = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node));  head->employee = ed[0]; head->next = null;  list = head;  (int = 1; < 5; i++){      node *ptr = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node));      ptr->employee = ed[i];     ptr->next = null;      head->next = ptr;      head = head->next; } 

here how add nodes it:

node *newnode = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node)), *temptr = list, *endnode = list;  newnode->employee.emp_id = id; strcpy(newnode->, name); newnode->employee.dept = dept; newnode->employee.rank = rank; newnode->employee.salary = salary; newnode->next = null;  while (endnode->next != null) endnode = endnode->next;  if (id < temptr->employee.emp_id){     newnode->next = list;     list = newnode; } else if (id > endnode->employee.emp_id){     endnode->next = newnode; } else{      while ((temptr->next != null) && (temptr->next->employee.emp_id < newnode->employee.emp_id))         temptr = temptr->next;      newnode->next = temptr->next;      temptr->next = newnode; } 

when try remove value, remove it. however, not display value.

what doing wrong?


as bluepixy stated, problem during building.

the index needed in 4 for (int = 1; < 4; i++)

and also, changed how printed list.


while (temp->next != null){     printf("");     temp = temp->next; } 


while (temp != null){     printf("");     temp = temp->next; } 


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