orm - Laravel eloquent: get data with model wherePivot equal to custom field -

i have eloquent object performer has albums , albums have images

here setup:

model performer->albums():

public function albums() {   return $this->belongstomany('album','performer_albums','performer_id','album_id'); } 

model album->images()

public function images() {   return $this->belongstomany('image','album_images','album_id','image_id')->withpivot(['type','size']); } 

i have performer object stored such:

$performer = performer::where...->first(); 

now need performer's albums images size 'large'

so avoid nesting queries, can use with()?

i tried

$performer->albums()           ->with('images')           ->wherepivot('size','large')           ->get(); 

but laravel tells me it's trying use wherepivot performer-album relationship (m-2-m)

ps. aware can this,

$performer = performer::with('albums')                       ->with('albums.images')                       ->.....-conditions additional fields in album_images....                       ->get(); 

but question remains same.

you need eager load constraints:

$performer->albums()   ->with(['images' => function ($q) {       $q->wherepivot('size','large');   }])   ->get(); 

and btw, no, can't this:

performer::with('albums')   ->with('albums.images')   ->.....-conditions additional fields in album_images....   ->get(); 

instead do:

performer::with(['albums.images' => function ($q) {      $q->   .....-conditions additional fields in album_images....   }])->get(); 


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