Where is my vim color scheme coming from? -

when edit fortran file vim on imac uses nice color scheme. send color scheme file friend, cannot find coming from.

in vim :colorscheme command lists "default".

the default.vim file in /usr/share/vim/vim73/colors has following non comment lines:

hi clear normal set bg& hi clear if exists("syntax_on")   syntax reset endif let colors_name = "default" 

i have tested of color schemes in /usr/share/vim/vim73/colors , none of them 1 vim using.

my vimrc file contains following non comment lines:

set modelines=0  set nocompatible    " use vim defaults instead of 100% vi compatibility set backspace=2     " more powerful backspacing au bufwrite /private/tmp/crontab.* set nowritebackup au bufwrite /private/etc/pw.* set nowritebackup :let fortran_free_source=1 :hi link fortrantab none :syntax on :highlight normal ctermfg=grey ctermbg=black 

so nice color scheme coming from?

you using vim default colorscheme, there no file. defaults baked in , see file defaults.vim clearing things fall default , resetting syntax highlighting defaults. default syntax highlighting colors terminal colors. terminal emulator provides 16 color palette (by default, can go 256 colors) , vim references colors palette. send him color scheme, need send him terminal palette.

if using terminal.app, can see color palette in terminal->preferences->settings , 16 color palette each theme colors under "ansi colors". if using xterm or x terminal emulator colors typically specified in .xresources or .xdefaults file form:

*color0:  rgb:2e/34/36 *color1:  rgb:cc/00/00 *color2:  rgb:4e/9a/06 *color3:  rgb:c4/a0/00 *color4:  rgb:00/00/ff *color5:  rgb:74/4e/7a *color6:  rgb:06/98/9a *color7:  rgb:ff/ff/ff *color8:  rgb:55/57/53 *color9:  rgb:ef/29/29 *color10: rgb:8a/e2/34 *color11: rgb:fc/e9/4f *color12: rgb:72/9f/cf *color13: rgb:ad/7f/a8 *color14: rgb:59/bc/d9 *color15: rgb:ff/ff/ff 

and can queried command line xrdb -q.


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