javascript - Deconstructing an Open Layers 3 map -
so, using open layers 3 ember.js make dashboard, , i've made map load dynamically want destroyed when leave route, thing found map.destroy() old version of api , there don't seem 1 in new version.
i used chrome debugger after going map page couple of times , found had 29 objects.
this have far
app.mapview = ember.view.extend({ map: null, didinsertelement: function() { = new{ target: 'map', layers: [ new ol.layer.tile({ source: new ol.source.mapquest({layer: 'sat'}) }) ], view: new ol.view({ center: ol.proj.transform([37.41, 8.82], 'epsg:4326', 'epsg:3857'), zoom: 4 }) }); }, willdestroyelement: function() { // destroy } });
i cant find in docs removing maps.
thanks in advance.
you should try this:
app.mapview = ember.view.extend({ // if not using ember.get/set you'd better make "private" _map: null, didinsertelement: function() { this._map = new; }, willdestroyelement: function() { this._map.settarget(null); this._map = null; } });
it detach map element , allows correct garbage collection. don't forget remove other references map object if any.
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