python - Get amount of weekday X in a month -

how determine number of days of weekday x in python?

e.g. number of mondays in september 2014.

example usage standard 0 monday, 6 sunday calendar scheme:

>>> numberofweekdays(2014, 9, weekday=0) 5 


using accepted answer:

def numberofweekdays(year, month, weekday=calendar.monday):     return sum(1 week in calendar.monthcalendar(year, month) if week[weekday]) 

there's various ways calendar. e.g.

import calendar  month = (2014, 9) # october, 2014  sum(1 week in calendar.monthcalendar(*month) if week[calendar.monday]) out[28]: 5  sum(1 week in calendar.monthcalendar(*month) if week[calendar.friday]) out[29]: 4 


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