angularjs - Jasmine/Karma not finding Angular modules -

i'm trying unit testing jasmine , karma, reason angular modules cannot found. i've modified code examples:


files: [   'lib/angular.js',   'lib/angular-mocks.js',   'js/app.js',   'js/controllers.js',   'js/factories.js',   'tests/**/*.js' ] 


var app = angular.module('app', ['ngroute']); app.config(function ($routeprovider) {   $routeprovider     .when('/test', {       templateurl: 'views/test.html',       controller: 'testctrl'     })     .otherwise({redirectto: '/'}); }); 


app.controller('testctrl', function ($scope, $location) {     console.log('test controller');     $scope.isactive = function(route) {         return route === $location.path();     }; }); 


describe('testctrl testing', function () {     var scope, $location, createcontroller;      beforeeach(inject(function ($rootscope, $controller, _$location_) {         $location = _$location_;         scope = $rootscope.$new();          createcontroller = function () {             return $controller('testctrl', {                 '$scope': scope             });         };     }));       it('should...', function () {         var controller = createcontroller();         $location.path('/test');         expect($location.path()).tobe('/test');         expect(scope.isactive('/test')).tobe(true);         expect(scope.isactive('/contact')).tobe(false);     }); }); 

error message: error: [ng:areq] argument 'testctrl' not function, got undefined

i tried with: beforeeach(module('testctrl')), did not help.

what have missed?

there 2 problems can see. in describe section there must main module injection:


the second problem forgot add nganimate module karma files config array:

files: [     'lib/angular.js',      'lib/angular-route.js', // <-- guy     'lib/angular-mocks.js',      ... ] 


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