c - Infinite "Signal 11 being dropped" loop with Valgrind while trying to add to linked list -

i'm trying create simple singly linked list in c, , have encountered infinite "singal 11 being dropped" loop while running program in valgrind.

my .h file:

#ifndef test_h #define test_h  struct fruit {     char name[20]; };  struct node {     struct fruit * data;     struct node * next; };  struct list {     struct node * header;     unsigned count; };  #endif 

my .c file:

#include "test.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h>  void init_list(struct list my_list) {     my_list.header = null;     my_list.count = 0; }  void add_to_list(struct list my_list, struct fruit my_fruit) {     struct node my_node;     struct node nav_node;      my_node.data = &my_fruit;     my_node.next = null;      if(my_list.count == 0) {    /* set head node if list empty */         my_list.header = &my_node;         my_list.count++;     } else {         nav_node = *my_list.header;          while (nav_node.next != null) { /* traverse list until end */             nav_node = *nav_node.next;         }          nav_node.next = &my_node;          my_list.count++;     }  }  int main() {     struct fruit fruit_array[5];     struct list fruit_list;     int i;      strcpy(fruit_array[0].name, "apple");     strcpy(fruit_array[1].name, "mango");     strcpy(fruit_array[2].name, "banana");     strcpy(fruit_array[3].name, "pear");     strcpy(fruit_array[4].name, "orange");      init_list(fruit_list);      for(i=0; < 5; i++) {         add_to_list(fruit_list, fruit_array[i]);     }      return 0; } 

i'm assuming issue stems list traversal in add_to_list, i'm unsure i'm doing wrong.


you're passing structs value functions. create copy of struct in function, , changes copy not occur on struct in calling function.

you should read pointers in favorite c-language book.


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