rest - Spring OAuth 2: public access to a resource -

how allow public access in specific url in spring security oauth-2 rest application.

i have urls started /rest/** secured, make /rest/about public, not require user authenticate access it. tried using permitall() still requires token in request. httpsecurity configuration:

@configuration @enableresourceserver protected static class resourceserverconfiguration extends         resourceserverconfigureradapter {      @override     public void configure(resourceserversecurityconfigurer resources) {         resources.resourceid(resource_id);     }      @override     public void configure(httpsecurity http) throws exception {         http                 .authorizerequests()                 .antmatchers("/rest/about").permitall()                 .antmatchers("/rest/**").authenticated()                 ;     } } 

a request /rest/about still returns 401 unauthorized - "error":"unauthorized","error_description":"full authentication required access resource"

found answer. needed add anonymous():

public void configure(httpsecurity http) throws exception {         http                 .anonymous().and()                 .authorizerequests()                 .antmatchers("/rest/about").permitall()                 .antmatchers("/rest/**").authenticated()                 ;     } 

got answer from:


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