Ruby on Rails: get variable from include do -

yesterday asked quiostion rails 4 enum , got answer.

so have defined global status enum in #app/models/concerns/my_enums.rb this:

module myenums   extend activesupport::concern    included     enum status: [:active, :inactive, :deleted]   end end 

now im trying defined properties in status enum controller, cannot access enum because initializes when module included , if include in controller i`ll error:

undefined method `enum' homecontroller:class 

how can in controller(like product.statuses)?

=> {"active"=>0, "inactive"=>1, "deleted"=>2}  

you cannot include module controller. try:

module myenums   extend activesupport::concern   statuses = [:active, :inactive, :deleted]    included     enum status: statuses   end  end 

and in controller:



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