Specman DAC macro: How to define 2 inputs of different type (uint and string)? -

in verification environment have different registers' types same name differs index, e.g.: timer_load_0, timer_load_1 etc.. try create macro gets 2 parameters: string (the 'name' of register without index) , uint (the register's index) , returns variable of "concatenated" register type. example command:

my_idx : uint = 0; create_reg "timer_load" my_idx; 

will return variable timer_load_0.

my macro code:

define <var_by_idx'action> "create_reg <name'any> <idx'exp>" computed {     var idx : uint = <idx'exp>.as_a(uint);     result = appendf("%s_%d",<name'any>, idx);   }; 

the compilation error get:

error: looking number found 'my_idx'                 @ line 45 in @macros     var idx : uint = <idx'exp>.as_a(uint);                 during execution of define-as-computed macro:                 @ line 380 in @timer_monitor             create_reg "timer_load" my_idx; 

the macro not recognize my_idx uint variable string.. thank help.

a macro want can passed constant value, need change <idx'num>.

as yuri mentioned, define computed macros expanded @ compile time. means macro needs constant value idx know type of variable allocate created_reg. value of idx variable want pass macro set @ run-time, late.


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