ios8 - How to integrate splash screen for all types of iPhones in XCode 6.1? -

i need create , app run on iphone 4s, 5,5s, 6, 6+ , depoloyment target ios 7.1. saw apple introduced lauchscreens.xib creating launch screen (splash screen) , there image assets in can provide launch images screens. see image below:

enter image description here

so questions how can use splash screen iphones? or should say, standard way to when using xcode 6?

i have been looking answers , reading blogs , apple's documents didn't find anything. singing own song not answer.

in xcode6 devices splash screen need make splash image each device size retina , non retina.

best way of done thng use asset catalog target-->general following screenshot:

enter image description here

when tap right small arrow near of launchimage (->) can see following window:

enter image description here

currently there empty because right side there no target selected if deployment target 6.0 need set check mark following screenshot can see image need box :

enter image description here

see when add wrong dimension image in catalog can warning @ top right corner , when tap on warning can dimension. see following screenshot for:

enter image description here

so warning log can know dimension image need splash screen.

other way

no need use asses catalog , no need use launchscreen.xib can still use old way:

create splash screen image following size:

default-568h.png                   320 x 568       default-568h@2x.png                640 x 1136 default-667h@2x.png                750 x 1334 default-736h@3x.png                1242 x 2208 default.png                        320 x 480 default@2x.png                     640 x 960 

now in plist need add following data:

  • add 1 row tap (+) called uilaunchimages

enter image description here

  • and need fill row following

enter image description here

that's no need thing hope answer helps other well.


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