perl - How to print result with maximum value under each header? -
i have data , perl code following. trying find letter combination maximum score (last column) under each header (>dna1, >dna2) , print it. wrote code in perl following:
use strict; use warnings; ($line); $max = 0; @prediction; foreach $line (<data>) { chomp($line); if ($line =~ /^>/) { print "$line"; } else { @split = split(/\s+/,$line); $score = pop @split; if ($max < $score) { $max = $score; @prediction = @split; push @prediction, $max; } #print "$domain\n"; } print "@prediction\n"; } __data__ >dna1 d 124.6 d t 137.5 g -3.4 g t 9.5 t 12.9 >dna2 196.3 k 186.5 k h 192.7 h m 206.2 m 200
the output
>dna1 d 124.6 d t 137.5 d t 137.5 d t 137.5 d t 137.5 >dna2d t 137.5 196.3 196.3 196.3 h m 206.2 h m 206.2
could please me figure out how can output final combination max score following:
>dna1 d t 137.5 >dna2 h m 206.2
the following produces expected output:
#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; ($max_score, $max_combination); while (my $line = <data>) { if ($line =~ /^>/) { print "$max_combination $max_score\n" if $max_combination; print $line; $max_score = 0; } elsif (my ($combination, $score) = $line =~ /(.*)\s+([0-9.]+)/) { if ($score > $max_score) { $max_score = $score; $max_combination = $combination; } } } print "$max_combination $max_score\n";
the main difference need print result when new group starts, or @ end.
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