visual studio 2010 - How to retrieve large amount of image from resources and randomly assign to different Picturebox? -

i need retrieve 25 images resources , put them 25 picturebox randomly without repetition happening. process should done automatically when page loaded beginning. had named picture 1-25 , suppose process.

do have way complete process. sorry poor language expression. please me, thanks.

one way (could not best in performance): need generate random numbers , store in list. if generated number present in list, one... @ end... have numbers

this 1 better:

    dim rand new random()     dim new_list new list(of image)     while pictures.count > 0         ' move random image new list.         dim integer =, pictures.count)         new_list.add(pictures(i))         pictures.removeat(i)     loop 

"pictures" collection of images. code taken here:


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