How can access session variable from controller to model in Ruby on Rails -

i used session variable session[:parent] on controller , want these variable pass model. how pass params controller model?

here controller.rb file

def new   @child =   @classes =  [['infant', 0], ['toddlers', 1], ['early learners', 2], ['pre school', 3], ['pre kindergarten', 4]]   @parent_types =  [['father', 'father'], ['mother', 'mother'], ['other', 'other']]   @martial_status = [['married', 'married'], ['single', 'single'], ['divorced', 'divorced'], ['separated', 'separated'], ['widowed', 'widowed'], ['other', 'other']]   @parent =   #parents mapped child, here mentioned show in form page after creation   if session[:parent_id] != nil    @parent_sessions = parent.where(:id => session[:parent_id])  end end  def create   logger.debug "\033[31mi here\033[31m"   @child =   if current_user.has_role? :day_care     @child.day_care_id =   elsif current_user.has_role? :director     @child.day_care_id =   elsif current_user.has_role? :assistant_director     @child.day_care_id =   elsif current_user.has_role? :teacher     @child.day_care_id =   end   respond_to |format|     if     #        logger.debug "\033[31m#{session[:parent_id]}\033[31m"       if session[:parent] != nil         session[:parent].each |p|           relative.create(:child_id =>, :parent_id => p["id"].to_i, :parent_type => p["type"])         end       end     ####       gflash :success => "child succesfully created."       format.html { redirect_to @child }       format.json { render :show, status: :created, location: @child }       session[:parent] = nil       session[:parent_id] = nil        logger.debug "\033[31mdestroyed#{session[:parent_id]}\033[31m"     else       gflash :error => "unable create, please try again."       format.html { render :new }       format.json { render json: @child.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity }     end   end end 

thanks help!

models interface database. can used without session (e.g. irb). violation of mvc allow models talk session. session object not visible in models. either pass parameter method in model or define method in model returns want , store in session (from controller).

for e.g.

class user < activerecord::base   def item_status     return :no_such_item   end end 

in controller

session[:item_status] = current_user.item_status 

i hope makes clear...


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