java - PowerMock - Suppress constructor but set private final field -

when suppressing constructor of class using powermock, how can set value of private final field?

suppressing constructor:

suppress(constructor(abc.class, mytype.class)); abc abc = spy(new abc(null)); // using correct value doesn't work abc.somemethod(); 

the class tested:

class abc {     private final mytype test;      public abc(mytype test) {         this.test = test;          // executes code suppressed     }      public void somemethod() {         test.dosomethingelse();     } } 

as would, using reflection:

field f = abc.class.getdeclaredfield("test"); f.setaccessible(true); f.set(abc, new mytype()); 

this not related mocking , therefore nothing mocking framework target in api. should consider refactor testing.


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