linux - Rails running on virtual machine in Windows -

the reason why want switch ubuntu people said gems works better on linux on windows.

i don't want macbook pro rails development since love windows , cannot stand lack of apps mac. moreover, people saying ubuntu "better" mac:

does virtual box work enough doesn't have lag @ all? using i7-3517u cpu 8gb memory. need program in environment lag-free , not sluggish. or there alternatives recommend?

i unsure permission settings or complicated stuffs regarding terminal. i'll using terminal develop. i'm still quite new here development in linux. please kind me >< thanks.

@holyxiaoxin pretty sure should asking on superuser instead.

nevertheless, suggest install ubuntu in partition instead of running virtual machine. here's guide

also, yes. developing in virtual machine accurate, @ end experiment weird behaviour when working native libs , wondering if vm or setup.

hope started. ubuntu , ruby on rails

p.s. use osx , it's best can ror , development environments. think investment future.


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