c# - How store a JSON array with ServiceStack? -

i know how stored simple json message in table, how can store data in same table if generate json array? ex:


i tried it doesn't work doesn't compile:

public class table1 {     public list<table1> table1list{ get; set; }      [autoincrement]     public int id { get; set; }      public int data1{ get; set; }     public string data2{ get; set; }     public datetime timestamp { get; set; } }  // add table1 via post [route("/table1add", verbs = "post")] public class table1 add {     public int id { get; set; }      public int data1{ get; set; }     public string data2{ get; set; }     public datetime timestamp { get; set; } }  // add multi table1 via post [route("/table1addmulti", verbs = "post")] public class table1 addmulti {     public list<table1 > table1list { get; set; } }      // store json array     public object post(table1multi request)     {         var data =new table1()         {             table1list = request.table1list         };          crudfunctions crud = new crudfunctions(db);         return crud.adddata(data);     } 

i use function insert store data (crud.adddata()). function specify possible store several rows in same time.

the idea avoid send multiple message. in advance

you quite close, except shouldn't adding list<table1> table1. instead create table1 below, , make simple dto such table1multiple handle multiple values.

[route("/table1","post")] public class table1 : ireturn<int> {     [autoincrement]     public int id { get; set; }      public int data1 { get; set; }     public string data2 { get; set; }     public datetime timestamp { get; set; } }  [route("/table1/multi","post")] public class table1multiple : ireturn<list<int>> {     public list<table1> values { get; set; } } 

in service should reuse code used store single record, , iterate list of table1 values.

class testservice : service {     // stores single table1 record     public int post(table1 request)     {         // add method store single record         var crud = new crudfunctions(db);         return crud.adddata(request); // return id of created record     }      // stores multiple table1 records     public list<int> post(table1multiple request)     {         // return list of record ids         var result = new list<int>();          // process each request, through single record code         foreach(var value in request.values)             result.add(post(value));          return result;     } } 

addressing non-populated dto

i don't in "request" in debug mode.

you have 2 choices. can change request use property values

{values:[{"id":0,"data1":123,"data2":"string1","timestamp":"/date(-62135596800000-0000)/"},          {"id":0,"data1":456,"data2":"string2","timestamp":"/date(-62135596800000-0000)/"}]} 

or can change request dto extend list<table1> instead:

//  [route("/table1/multi","post")] public class table1multiple : list<table1>, ireturn<list<int>> { } 

then modify service reads var value in request instead of var value in request.values

class testservice : service {     // stores single table1 record     public int post(table1 request)     {         // add method store single record         var crud = new crudfunctions(db);         return crud.adddata(request); // return id of created record     }      // stores multiple table1 records     public list<int> post(table1multiple request)     {         // return list of record ids         var result = new list<int>();          // process each request, through single record code         foreach(var value in request) // collection changed here             result.add(post(value));          return result;     } } 


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