iphone - How Indoor Navigation works in iOS using iBeacon or wi-fi? -

i working on project has requirement of indoor navigations. have been searching lot, found paid sdk's , other tools. want know how indoor navigation works , architecture used? want know how ibeacon can used indoor navigation. implementation of indoor navigations required ios device. please let me know. in advance!!

indoor navigation beacons or wifi complex task must willing lots of custom programming , surveying. 3 main approaches used.

the state of art approach signal fingerprinting number of wifi or bluetooth sources placed in area. fingerprint specifies expected signal level each source @ every possible point in area. these fingerprints, software model of room must generated allows code find best matching coordinates in map measured signal level each source.

performing survey time consuming , must redone if transmitters moved or if room rearranged. reason, automation tools must built make practical.

several companies specialize in doing work , have proprietary tools set new deployments. unfortunately, know of no open source or off shelf software this.

a simpler approach involves trilaterating between 3 or more reference signals. have not heard reports of approach providing sufficient accuracy practical implementation, due large variations in signal levels. calculated positions tend drift several meters when device standing still.

the third approach simplest of all. place 1 beacon @ each reference point. , calculate user position being @ whichever beacon closest. easy do, requires large number of beacons.


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