java - AspectJ Decompilation -

i have following class: package ajia.messaging;

public class messagecommunicator {     public void deliver(string message) {         system.out.println(message);     }      public void deliver(string person, string message) {         system.out.println(person + ", " + message);     } } 

and following advice:

package; import ajia.messaging.messagecommunicator;  public aspect securityaspect {     private authenticator authenticator = new authenticator();      pointcut secureaccess()         : execution(* messagecommunicator.deliver(..));      before() : secureaccess() {         system.out.println("checking , authenticating user");         authenticator.authenticate();     } } 

i compile - ajc -source 5 ajia\messaging\ ajia\security\securityaspect.aj

as understand resulting messagecommunicator.class have aspect code included. wandering if standard java decompilers decompile class correctly?

decompilers work recognizing patterns produced compilers. aspectj tries produce code follows same kinds of pattern (the structure of byte code catch blocks, kind of thing). code decompile ok unless crazy weaving has gone on. aspectj project accept bug reports on code isn't cleanly decompilable , attempt address it.


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