java - Using channel attributes in different context handlers -

i'm working on application server part of based on netty 4.0. however, ran problem of shared variables channel.
have read use such variables in other context handlers need use


instead of just

  • context.attr(key).set()

to attach variable current channel.

 public class hadlepackets extends channelinboundhandleradapter {  private static final logger log = loggerfactory.getlogger(hadlepackets.class); public attributekey<integer> clientidattrkey = new attributekey<integer>  ("clientid");  @override public void channelread(channelhandlercontext ctx, object message) throws exception {  ...; //bind id channel  ... } } 

but, how retrieve value of variable in context handler? attribute key still needed , cant grab handler attached variable.

public class storagehandler extends channelinboundhandleradapter{ private static final logger log = loggerfactory.getlogger(storagesavehandler.class);  @override public void channelinactive(channelhandlercontext ctx) throws exception {     integer clientid = (integer); //how can proper key channel attribute?     ctx.firechannelinactive();  } 

this should work since public static:

@override public void channelinactive(channelhandlercontext ctx) throws exception {     integer clientid = (integer);     ctx.firechannelinactive(); } 

here little example of how use it. code excerpt though:

public class nettyserver implements runnable { final static attributekey<long> checksumkey = attributekey.valueof("calcchecksum"); final static attributekey<command> commandkey = attributekey.valueof("command"); final static attributekey<long> filehandlekey = attributekey.valueof("filehandle"); final static attributekey<file> pathkey = attributekey.valueof("destpath"); final static attributekey<fileoutputstream> outputstream = attributekey.valueof("stream");  @override public void run() {     try {         eventloopgroup bossgroup = new nioeventloopgroup(boss_threads);         eventloopgroup workergroup = new nioeventloopgroup(calculatethreadcount());         try {             serverbootstrap bootstrap = new serverbootstrap();              // option allow binding bound ip:port             // combination.             // used able restart server if             // crashed/got killed             // (so while socket still in time_wait state).             bootstrap.option(channeloption.so_reuseaddr, true);   , workergroup).channel(nioserversocketchannel.class).childhandler(new channelinitializer<socketchannel>() {                 @override                 public void initchannel(socketchannel ch) throws exception {                     ch.pipeline().addlast("objectdecoder", new objectdecoder(classresolvers.cachedisabled(null)));                     ch.pipeline().addlast("objectencoder", new objectencoder());                     ch.pipeline().addlast("commandhandler", new servercommandhandler(server, logger));                     ch.pipeline().addlast("filehandler", new serverfilehandler(server, logger));                     ch.pipeline().addlast("checksumhandler", new serverchecksumhandler(server, logger));                 }             });              try {                 // bind , start accept incoming connections.                 bootstrap.bind(port).sync().channel().closefuture().sync();             } catch (interruptedexception e) {                 logger.debug(message.cmdtransfer_interrupted_debug, e.getmessage());             }         } {             bossgroup.shutdowngracefully();             workergroup.shutdowngracefully();         }     } catch (exception e) {         logger.error(message.cmdtransfer_connect_error, e.getmessage());     } } } 

as can see have several handlers share attributes of channel.

public class servercommandhandler extends channelinboundhandleradapter {     @override     public void channelread(channelhandlercontext ctx, object msg) throws exception {;         ctx.firechannelread(msg);     } }  public class serverchecksumhandler extends channelinboundhandleradapter {     @override     public void channelread(channelhandlercontext ctx, object msg) throws exception {         if == referencecommand {             //do         }     } } 


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