android - Facebook SDK: not "opened" session state while creating WebDialog.FeedDialogBuilder -

i faced such wierd bug while implementing facebook share info. made stages described on facebook tutorial facebook tutorial - share info

but while trying create example of webdialog.feeddialog

    private void publishfeeddialog() {          bundle params = new bundle();          params.putstring("name", getstring(r.string.name_fb));          params.putstring("description", getstring(r.string.description_fb));          params.putstring("link", getstring(r.string.share_link_fb));          params.putstring("picture", getstring(r.string.pictute_url_fb));                    session session = session.getactivesession();                    log.i(tag, "session = " + session + " isopen = " + session.isopened() + " isclosed = " + session.isclosed());                    webdialog feeddialog = (new webdialog.feeddialogbuilder(this, session.getactivesession(), params))          		.setoncompletelistener(new oncompletelistener() {                    @override                  public void oncomplete(bundle values, facebookexception error) {                      if (error == null) {                      	                          // when story posted, echo success , post id.                          final string postid = values.getstring("post_id");                                                    if (postid != null) {                              toast.maketext(mainactivity.this, "posted story, id: " + postid,                                  toast.length_short).show();                          } else {                              // user clicked cancel button                              toast.maketext(mainactivity.this, "publish cancelled",                                   toast.length_short).show();                          }                                                } else if (error instanceof facebookoperationcanceledexception) {                          // user clicked "x" button                          toast.maketext(mainactivity.this, "publish cancelled", toast.length_short).show();                                                } else {                          // generic, ex: network error                          toast.maketext(mainactivity.this, "error posting story", toast.length_short).show();                      }                  }                }).build();          ;      }

i caught facebookexception!

09-22 19:34:49.325: e/activitythread(12202): failed find provider info com.facebook.katana.provider.platformprovider  09-22 19:34:49.325: i/mainactivity(12202): session = {session state:created, token:{accesstoken token:access_token_removed permissions:[]}, appid:1111111111111} isopen = false isclosed = false  09-22 19:34:49.325: d/androidruntime(12202): shutting down vm  09-22 19:34:49.325: w/dalvikvm(12202): threadid=1: thread exiting uncaught exception (group=0x418cc700)  09-22 19:34:49.325: e/activitythread(12202): failed find provider info com.facebook.wakizashi.provider.platformprovider  09-22 19:34:49.405: d/dalvikvm(12202): gc_for_alloc freed 891k, 9% free 10493k/11452k, paused 21ms, total 21ms  09-22 19:34:52.365: e/androidruntime(12202): fatal exception: main  09-22 19:34:52.365: e/androidruntime(12202): java.lang.illegalstateexception: not execute method of activity  09-22 19:34:52.365: e/androidruntime(12202): 	at android.view.view$1.onclick(  09-22 19:34:52.365: e/androidruntime(12202): 	at android.view.view.performclick(  09-22 19:34:52.365: e/androidruntime(12202): 	at android.view.view$  09-22 19:34:52.365: e/androidruntime(12202): 	at android.os.handler.handlecallback(  09-22 19:34:52.365: e/androidruntime(12202): 	at android.os.handler.dispatchmessage(  09-22 19:34:52.365: e/androidruntime(12202): 	at android.os.looper.loop(  09-22 19:34:52.365: e/androidruntime(12202): 	at  09-22 19:34:52.365: e/androidruntime(12202): 	at java.lang.reflect.method.invokenative(native method)  09-22 19:34:52.365: e/androidruntime(12202): 	at java.lang.reflect.method.invoke(  09-22 19:34:52.365: e/androidruntime(12202): 	at$  09-22 19:34:52.365: e/androidruntime(12202): 	at  09-22 19:34:52.365: e/androidruntime(12202): 	at dalvik.system.nativestart.main(native method)  09-22 19:34:52.365: e/androidruntime(12202): caused by: java.lang.reflect.invocationtargetexception  09-22 19:34:52.365: e/androidruntime(12202): 	at java.lang.reflect.method.invokenative(native method)  09-22 19:34:52.365: e/androidruntime(12202): 	at java.lang.reflect.method.invoke(  09-22 19:34:52.365: e/androidruntime(12202): 	at android.view.view$1.onclick(  09-22 19:34:52.365: e/androidruntime(12202): 	... 11 more  09-22 19:34:52.365: e/androidruntime(12202): caused by: com.facebook.facebookexception: attempted use session not open.  09-22 19:34:52.365: e/androidruntime(12202): 	at com.facebook.widget.webdialog$builderbase.<init>(  09-22 19:34:52.365: e/androidruntime(12202): 	at com.facebook.widget.webdialog$feeddialogbuilder.<init>(  09-22 19:34:52.365: e/androidruntime(12202): 	at com.kaeriasarl.psslite.activities.mainactivity.publishfeeddialog(  09-22 19:34:52.365: e/androidruntime(12202): 	at com.kaeriasarl.psslite.activities.mainactivity.sharelinktofacebook(  09-22 19:34:52.365: e/androidruntime(12202): 	at com.kaeriasarl.psslite.activities.mainactivity.onclickfeature(  09-22 19:34:52.365: e/androidruntime(12202): 	... 14 more  09-22 19:34:52.475: i/gav3(12202): thread[gathread,5,main]: no campaign data found.

as can understand logs main trouble result of session.getactivesession() should not null , should opened see session has status created! made stages facebook tutorial said! help, please!

after investigation solved problem:

1) before creating feeddialog should check if active session opened , if not should directly open active session

	if (session.getactivesession() == null || !session.getactivesession().isopened()) {          session.openactivesession(mainactivity.this, true, callback);      } else {          publishfeeddialog();      }

2) , call publishfeeddialog() in session.statuscallback

    private session.statuscallback callback = new session.statuscallback() {  		  		@override  		public void call(session session, sessionstate state, exception exception) {  			  			if (state.isopened() && isfbshare) {  				publishfeeddialog();  			}  		}  	};


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