c# - Inserting Scraped Results Into SQL Server -

any ideas why getting "an unhandled exception of type 'system.data.sqlclient.sqlexception' occurred in system.data.dll" when try insert results of sccraping sql server?

this code using:

public void scrape(string url) {     using (sqlconnection opencon = new sqlconnection("connection string"))     {         string savestaff = "insert principale ((name) values (@name)";         opencon.open();         httpwebrequest request = (httpwebrequest)webrequest.create(url);         request.useragent = "mozilla/4.0 (compatible; msie 6.0; windows nt 5.1; sv1; .net clr 1.1.4322; .net clr 2.0.50727)";         request.allowautoredirect = false;          webresponse response = request.getresponse();         streamreader streamreader = new streamreader(response.getresponsestream());         string html = streamreader.readtoend();          htmldocument page = new htmldocument();         page.loadhtml(html);         var document = page.documentnode.selectnodes("//div[@class='b_namesummary']");          foreach (var nodo in document)         {              string nome = nodo.selectsinglenode("./h3[1]/a[1]").innertext;             sqlcommand querysavestaff = new sqlcommand(savestaff);             querysavestaff.connection = opencon;             querysavestaff.parameters.add("@name", sqldbtype.nchar, 30).value = nome;             querysavestaff.executenonquery();             console.writeline(nome);         }     } } 

i think sql exception, apart obvious syntax error in missing closing parenthesis, (a typo?) comes fact declare parameter named @albergoname in sql text use @name placeholder instead

change to:

string savestaff = "insert principale (name) values (@albergoname)"; 

by way, don't need create sqlcommand inside loop, create outside , update parameter value

sqlcommand querysavestaff = new sqlcommand(savestaff); querysavestaff.connection = opencon; querysavestaff.parameters.add("@albergoname", sqldbtype.nvarchar, 30); foreach (var nodo in document) {     string nome = nodo.selectsinglenode("./h3[1]/a[1]").innertext;     console.writeline(nome);      querysavestaff.parameters["@albergoname"].value = nome;     querysavestaff.executenonquery(); } 

notice have changed parameter type nvarchar instead of nchar. nchar fixed length type, if declare nchar 30 pass 30 characters whatever length of variable nome. suggest use nvarchar parameter type , set size same size of column name....


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