Ansible: virt module XML error -

i'm trying define vm using virt module , xml file. task:

 - name: define vm using xml file    virt: command=define          name={{ new_vm_name }}          xml={{ vm_images_path }}/{{ new_vm_xml }}    remote_user: root    delegate_to: "{{ hyperv }}" 

fails error:

failed: [vm-002 -> nat] => {"failed": true} msg: (domain_definition):1: start tag expected, '<' not found /var/lib/libvirt/images//vm-002-ver1.1.0-00042.xml 

while works:

 - name: define vm using xml file    command: virsh define {{ vm_images_path }}/{{ new_vm_xml }}    remote_user: root    delegate_to: "{{ hyperv }}" 

xml file same in both cases, idea of why first 1 fails? prefer using modules custom commands i'd make first 1 work.

the xml parameter of virt module takes xml string, not filename.

you achieve want this:

- name: define vm using xml file    virt: command=define          name={{ new_vm_name }}          xml={{ lookup('template', './libvirt_create_template.j2') }}    remote_user: root    delegate_to: "{{ hyperv }}" 

the file reference in lookup located on ansible control server (i.e. run playbooks).

by using template lookup, can have vm specific settings replaces values inventory vm installing.


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