mvc - nopCommerce multistore enable/disable functionaliity not working when radio button with different id's -

i using nopcommerce 3.40

i using multistore functionality in nopcommerce plugin. , have issue on multistore default script.

<tr class="method">         <td class="admintitle">             @html.overridestorecheckboxfor(model => model.method_overrideforstore, model => model.method, model.activestorescopeconfiguration)             @html.noplabelfor(model => model.method):         </td>         <td class="admindata">                     @html.radiobuttonfor(model => model.method, 1, new { id = "one" })                     <label for="one">one</label><br/>                     @html.radiobuttonfor(model => model.method, 2, new { id = "two" })                     <label for="two">two</label><br />                     @html.radiobuttonfor(model => model.method, 3, new { id = "three" })             <label for="three">three</label>         </td> </tr> 

when use @html.overridestorecheckboxfor() multistore functionality , make field name in checkbox.

html generated:

<input id="method_overrideforstore" class="multi-store-override-option"         type="checkbox" value="true"         onclick="checkoverridenstorevalue(this, '#method')"         name="method_overrideforstore" data-for-input-selector="#method"> 

and radio button id "one", "two", "three" , html generated find "method" id in radio button not finding id so, multistore enable/disable feature not working.

thanks in advance,

ragards, jatin


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