javascript - How to detect change in form if added a new row in prime faces datatable -

i have requirements disable save , cancel buttons in page on page load. should enable save , cancel buttons if user changes in page. achieve this, using

this plugin working fine there need customization in many scenarios, 1 below

i have page item groups consists of 3 panels.

leftpanel : list of item groups in system
centerpanel : list of items assigned selected item group
rightpanel : list of items assign item group

now assume have datatable

 <p:datatable var="itms" value="#{mybean.listofitems}" rows="10"     paginator="true"     paginatortemplate="{currentpagereport}                          {firstpagelink}                         {previouspagelink}                         {pagelinks}                          {nextpagelink}                         {lastpagelink}                         {rowsperpagedropdown}"       rowsperpagetemplate="10,50,100">  </p:datatable>   

to assign items item group select items in right panel , click on assign button add listofitems show in center panel


i calling rescan method defined in plugin on assign button oncomplete detect changes , track new records added because want consider addition or removal of fields change.

now on page load if item group selected , has 13 items assigned see first page 10 records. if items added added in list @ end list. since i'm in first page , page having complete rows plugin unable find changes in form.

how find change in scenario.

since want consider addition or removal of fields change make sure users save changes, 1 way this:

you can have hidden input:

<h:inputhidden id="hiddeninput" /> 

and in assign button oncomplete mentioned can add:


this add 'dirty' string (for example) hidden input , call change() tell plugin changed, , plugin mark form dirty (changed).

and in oncomplete of saving button, have clear value , reinitialize plugin start again:


also add checking or @ end of action (link).

note: if add , delete same 'item', technically there aren't changes, want keep form changed right? solution work that. correct me if i'm wrong , want manage particular case. have add logic in compare old , new values , clear or dirty hidden input accordingly.


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