c# - Entity Framework - Unit Of Work - Sharing the context -

i'm developing asp.net mvc application using latest entity framework version , have strange behaviour.

i share context through different repositories, way can call savechanges anywhere in project, , changes on repositories being changed.

public unitofwork(idbcontext context)     : base(context) {     versioningrepository = new repository<versioning>(context, this);      settingrepository = new repository<setting>(context, this);     siterepository = new versionedrepository<site, int>(context, this);     pagerepository = new versionedrepository<page, int>(context, this);     layoutrepository = new versionedrepository<layout, int>(context, this);     assemblyrepository = new versionedrepository<assembly, int>(context, this);     logrepository = new repository<log>(context, this); } 

now, when i'm starting application , fire multiple tabs requesting same page @ same time following error might popup:

an exception of type 'system.data.entity.core.entityexception' occurred in entityframework.sqlserver.dll not handled in user code

additional information: underlying provider failed on open.

the inner exception is:

the connection not closed. connection's current state open.

the connection state might change 'closed', 'connecting'. application running , refresh various pages, same error not show anymore, can tell me whe i'm having behaviour?

also, following line can give me 'nullreferenceexception' , don't have clue why happening:

return !query.any() ? null : !query.where(filter).any() ? null : query.first(filter); 

after refresh, don't 'nullreferenceexception' neither.

important know i'm using unity instantiate dbcontext , unitofwork.

container.registertype<idbcontext, oxygendatacontext>(); container.registertype<iunitofwork, unitofwork>(new perrequestlifetimemanager()); 

the iunitofwork interface implement idisposable interface. implemented like:

protected virtual void dispose(bool disposing) {     if (disposing) { context = null; } }  public void dispose() {     dispose(true); } 

thanks help.

actually if planning work martin fowler patterns implementing them in wrong way.

  1. first sole purpose of unit of work aggregate transactional operation write/update , delete 1 logical component
  2. second, unit of work should not provide knowledge or capabilities of read, breaking 1 of solid principle here, soc (separation of concerns)
  3. third, working orm , repository. can abstract orm using cqrs, odata or query pattern having many abstract repositories not make sense @ all
  4. finally, if plan work inversion of control pattern repository should injected. why? because abstract dependencies

for unit of work

public interface iunitofwork {    void starttransaction();    void commit();    void rollback();    void save<t>(t entity);    void delete<t>(t entity); }  public interface irepository {    iqueryable<t> get<t>();    singleresult<t> getsingle<t, tkey>(tkey key); } 


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