constructor - How to define a ctor for a struct in F# that in turn calls the struct's default ctor -

how define ctor immutable struct in f#, accepts of fields. or, compared c# how zero out struct (like calling this() in c# example below) in f# ?


struct point {     private readonly int _x;     private readonly int _y;     public point(int x) : this() // 0 struct     {         _x = x;     }     public point(int y) : this() // 0 struct     {         _y = y;     }  } 

the point(x) ctor above zeros out struct calling this() , sets single field. after. following example simplified, question how 0 struct , set single field.


type point =    struct        val x: float       val y: float        new(x: float) = ? // how 0 out struct , set x ?     end 

i think f# version of c# code this

[<struct>] type point =   val mutable x: float   val mutable y: float  let p = point(x = 1.0) 

although struct members mutable, p not cannot set members again.

// cause compile error p.x <- 2.0 


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