excel vba - Copy a line to a DB sheet based on a calculated trigger -

after trying few different approaches stuck. have table line completed every 30 mins or so. user enter 3 numbers in row, next 3 rows calculated. use 1 of calculated rows trigger copy entire row db sheet (sheet2). , repeat when next line added , on. can seem 1st line copy across every time.

the sheet used hardcopy batch record have shied away building form. started following, worked line 1 (also calling recorded macro copy in header data)

`private sub worksheet_calculate()  if isnumeric(range("$h$9"))   if range("$h$9").value >= 1       application.run "macro1"     end if end if end sub  ` 

macro1 copying of header form data (date/time,machine info etc entered once sheet & row described above).

i hope clear, questions please let me know

welcome so

try using loop below? change upper limit of i want, , maybe use form of row counter cells(rows.count, 1).end(xlup).row

private sub worksheet_calculate() dim integer = 1 9000 if isnumeric(cells(i, 8))     if cells(i, 8).value >= 1        application.run "macro1"     end if end if next end sub 


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