PHP couchbase integration just shows version number only in phpinfo() -

i have tried integrate couchbase in php in centos 6.5 machine. , installed couchbase extension said in "". not able connect couchbase php. when checked phpinfo() shows version number of couchbase extension no configuration information showing there.

their example code no longer works , need update site. original code:

<?php // adjust these parameters match installation $cb = new couchbase("", "", "", "default"); $cb->set("a", 101); var_dump($cb->get("a")); ?> 

to set-up new data bucket, go site's address:

or type following in command line:

curl -x post -d name=default -d ramquotamb=200 -d authtype=none -d replicanumber=2 -d proxyport=11215 

then need call couchbasecluster instead of couchbase this:

<?php // adjust these parameters match installation $cb = new couchbasecluster("", "", ""); $db = $cb->openbucket("default"); $db->upsert("a", array("value" => 10)); $var_a = $db->get("a"); var_dump($var_a->value); ?> 

your output should this:

object(stdclass)#4 (1) { ["value"]=> int(10) } 


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