php - FPDF page break in fpdf -

i using php , fpdf generate pdf list of items. problem is, item not goes second or third page.

i want print next block of data in 2nd page of pdf. please me. have used setautopage break() not working.
please help!

       <?php          require('fpdf.php');          class pdf extends fpdf {              function header() {                   $this->setfont('arial','b',10);                     $this->rect(50,30,100,30,'f');                 $this->text(80,45,"3d");                 $this->setxy(20,20);                 $this->cell(30,10,'a',1,0,'l');                              $this->setxy(80,20);                 $this->cell(30,10,'b',1,0,'l');                                                          $this->setxy(80,60);                 $this->cell(30,10,'c',1,1,'l');                              $this->setxy(150,60);                 $this->cell(30,10,'d',1,1,'l');                          }                 function footer() {                 $this->sety(-12);                 $this->cell(169,20,'page '.$this->pageno().'/{nb}',0,0,'c');                }              $pdf=new pdf();             $pdf->addpage();              $pdf->setfont('arial','b',16);             $pdf->aliasnbpages();             $pdf->output(); 

you need use gety , addpage purpose.

use gety current position, subtract height of document. if less 6x (you have 6 rows) multicell height, force page break using addpage.

see detailed answer here


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