
Showing posts from April, 2012

java - Is Apache Tomcat blocking the client IP address? -

i have deployed web application on tomcat 6.0 in machine having ip address 10.xx.xx.90. making http request(from browser) app m/c having ip address (10.xx.xx.56). i trying ip address of client(10.xx.xx.56) in servlet filter using below code.but not getting value remoteaddress parameter in header info , request.getremoteaddr() returns ip address of machine on application deployed i.e 10.xx.xx.90. there no loadbalancer or proxy in between. public void dofilter(servletrequest request, servletresponse response, filterchain chain) throws ioexception, servletexception { httpservletrequest httpservletrequest = (httpservletrequest) request; stringbuffer iplog = new stringbuffer("filter_log").append(httpservletrequest.getremoteaddr()); enumeration<string> e = httpservletrequest.getheadernames(); if (e != null) { while (e.hasmoreelements()) { string header = e.nextelement(); iplog.append(header).append(" - ").append(httpservletrequest.getheader(he

django admin login failure with valid user -

i've created new django app unable log (grappelli) admin valid superuser. i've checked user in shell - >>> django.contrib.auth import authenticate >>> user = authenticate(username='admin', password='admin') >>> user.is_active , user.is_superuser true when enter same credentials @ localhost:8000/admin error message saying 'please correct errors below'. no errors listed i noticed there's no session being created in django_sessions table when try , login using browser (there sessions created shell login above). i'm using django 1.6.2 grappelli , running on django's dev webserver. if want login django admin should checked below options. is_superuser true or is_staff true for user login . edit try uninstall grappelli , login django admin.

qt - Invalid signal parameter type: MouseEvent -

if try , use mouseevent arg in qml defined signal, following error on load: invalid signal parameter type: mouseevent there conflicting information in qt docs regarding this, in qml signal syntax documentation states that: the allowed parameter types same listed under defining property attributes [...] qml object type can used property type. whilst in qml/c++ interaction documentation states that: when qml object type used signal parameter, parameter should use var type setting argument use var work, seems unnecessary according qml documentation. there bug regarding in distant past apparently resolved in v5.0.0. doing wrong, or regression? edit a simple demonstration: import qtquick 2.3 item { signal sig( mouseevent mouse ) }

php - Accessing a specific instance of a class -

im pretty new oop php, , i'm trying learn. i have class called "awesome_car" define so class awesome_car { public $attributes; public $name; function __construct($name, $atts) { $this->name = $name; $this->attributes = $atts; } } // end of class and instantiate class x times somewhere in code: $car1 = new awesome_car('ford', array( 'color'=>'blue', 'seats' => 6 )); $car2 = new awesome_car('bmw', array( 'color'=>'green', 'seats' => 5 )); now make normal function allows me - , manipulate - specific instance of class name. like function get_specific_car_instance($name) { //some code retrives specific instance name //do stuff instance //return instance } i have seen people storing each instance in global variable array of object, i've read global variables considered bad practice? , find them bit annoying work well. what b

ipad - iOS8 official release with bug for Pad using today-extension? UPDATED -

si have universal-app today-extension. when tapping in tableview of extension app launching. test simulator iphones ios8 -> ok works , opens app test simulator ipads ios8 -> ok works , opens app test iphone 5s ios8gm -> ok works , opens app test ipadair ios8 (installed 17/9) -> extension shown when tapping tableview disappears, come after few seconds, when tapping again same procedure till after 8 times made game message "loading not possible" shown. does have same issue , know solution? or can check? edit localize problem: my code in today-extension is: - (void)tableview:(uitableview *)tableview didselectrowatindexpath:(nsindexpath *)indexpath{ nsurl *url = [nsurl urlwithstring:@"hdb://"]; nsstring *zwischenziel = [[self.todayparser.todayarray objectatindex:indexpath.row] view]; nsinteger ziel = [zwischenziel integervalue]; nsuserdefaults *shareddefaults = [[nsuserdefaults alloc] initwithsuitename:@"

windows - Using MySQL ODBC Driver in SSIS -

i have installed mysql-connector-odbc-5.3.4-winx64.msi driver , confirmed installed successfully: however, in odbc data source administrator (c:\windows\syswow64\odbcad32.exe) driver not listed in drivers tab can not add user data source. thanks, kate.

MT4J set gravity at center of MTComponent -

i want develop application using mt4j. scenario want implement like multiple balls on screen. balls can placed using touch. above points implemented important point have faced 3. gravity @ center of container balls attracted toward center. please me out how implement center of gravity ? ball attracted towards center. hope understand want know if don not me please let know share more details. sure. first thing recommend check out example "physics playground" application comes mt4j. show how assign physical bodies components, , how set physics simulation engine jbox2d. have feeling have done that, wanted sure :) so, question. shouldn't think problem in terms of gravity rather joints. joints allow 1 component affect physical behavior of component, , that's looking for. try creating invisible, static, non-collide-able component in center of container, , add (and remove) joints component balls moving around screen. specifically, check out dista

mysql - Why isn't hbm2ddl.import_files working in hibernate4-maven-plugin (Hibernate 4.3.6)? -

i have following persistence.xml: <persistence xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemalocation="" version="2.0"> <persistence-unit name="blah" transaction-type="resource_local"> <properties> <property name="hibernate.dialect" value="org.hibernate.dialect.mysql5dialect"/> <property name="" value="create"/> <property name="hibernate.hbm2ddl.import_files" value="myfile.sql"/> </properties> </persistence-unit> </persistence> but hibernate.hbm2ddl.import_files property isn't working. doesn't seem matter put myfile.sql or prepend slash or wildcards, classpath etc. (clutching @ straws) -

swift - What is the pattern for entities and Equatable? -

suppose have base class: class entity: equatable { init() { } var localid: int32? var id: int32? } func == (lhs: entity, rhs: entity) -> bool { return object_getclassname(lhs) == object_getclassname(rhs) && lhs.localid != nil && rhs.localid != nil && lhs.localid == rhs.localid } and number of entity implementations along lines of this: class message: entity { init(senderid: int32, body: string, sentdatetime: nsdate) { self.senderid = senderid self.body = body self.sentdatetime = sentdatetime super.init() } var senderid: int32 var body: string var sentdatetime: nsdate } am taking right approach equatable implementation? reason compare class names uniqueness of localid scoped each entity type. should instead implement equatable each entity class? there established pattern in swift kind of thing? the first big question whether localid , id have optional. , if entity does, seems more

c# - Using WebAPI 2.2 inside of an existing ASP.NET MVC 5 project -

i using webapi 2.2, attribute routing, inside of existing mvc 5 project. intend migrate entire website on webapi, take time. got working, concerned may doing wrong. this post seems suggest should calling globalconfiguration.configure(webapiconfig.register) in global.asax.cs file . if remove httpconfiguration argument typically provided in webapiconfig.register() , , call globalconfiguration.configure(x => x.maphttpattributeroutes()) within webapiconfig.register() method - webapi endpoints respond desired results. so end with: public class mvcapplication : system.web.httpapplication { protected void application_start() { arearegistration.registerallareas(); webapiconfig.register(); filterconfig.registerglobalfilters(globalfilters.filters); routeconfig.registerroutes(routetable.routes); bundleconfig.registerbundles(bundletable.bundles); } } class webapiconfig { public static void register() { globalcon

Authentication with Azure Active Directory : WIF10201 Error -

i'm trying add azure authentication existing website visual studio 2013. looks used bit easier in 2012 seems recommended path 2013 set when creating project. i created new project aad (which works) compare changes being made project need add authentication to. copied authentication classes , config settings still seems there wrong in web.config: for appsettings have: <add key="ida:federationmetadatalocation" value="" /> <add key="ida:realm" value="https://aadpath/application" /> <add key="ida:audienceuri" value="https://aadpath/application" /> for system.identitymodel have: <system.identitymodel> <identityconfiguration> <issuernameregistry type="registryclasspath, projectname" /> <audienceuris> <add value="https://aadpath/application"/>

Pass parameter(s) to click event in jQuery -

i have html page below given code in corresponding .js file. have textarea element txtexamplereviewed in when click alt+shift+a buttons, click event of btnaddmicroelement gets fired , appends new div page label, text input , button inside it. text input in dynamically added div shall have text selected in textarea txtexamplereviewed prior triggering event. have pass text click event of btnaddmicroelement . have done given below not working , getting text microelement in text input instead of selected text textarea. please me correct code. $(document).ready(function(){ $("#btnaddmicroelement").click(function(microelement){ alert("clicked"); $("#divverification").append("<div class='clsdivmicroelement'><label>microelement</label><input type='text' class='clstxtmicroelement'/ value=microelement><input type='button' class='clsbtnmicroelmentadd' value='add

Mysql Calculate total memory based on prefix -

have table: create table if not exists `assets` ( `asset_id` bigint(20) not null auto_increment, `asset_memory` varchar(255) not null, `asset_memory_prefix` tinyint(1) not null default '2', primary key (`asset_id`), key `locations` (`position_id`) ) engine=myisam default charset=utf8 auto_increment=2 ; i need calculate sum of memory of specific asset_id's based on asset_memory , asset_memory_prefix asset_memory_prefix defined this: $_prefix = array( array("id" => 0, "prefix" => "b", "prefix_name" => "byte", "pow_value" => "0"), array("id" => 1, "prefix" => "kb", "prefix_name" => "kilobyte", "pow_value" => "1"), array("id" => 2, "prefix" => "mb", "prefix_name" => "megabyte", "pow_value" => "2"),

javascript - smooth transition with show/hide jquery functions on hover? -

i'm using image map , when part of image hovered show div..(like in website ) want div appear smooth transitions... here js code var mapobject = { hover : function(area, event) { var id = area.attr('name'); if (event.type == 'mouseover') { $('.' + id).show(); $('#'+ id).siblings().each(function() { if ($(this).is(':visible')) { $(this).hide(); } }); $('#'+ id).show(); } else { $('.' + id).hide(); $('#'+ id).hide(); $('#room-0').show(); } } }; $(function() { $('area').live('mouseover mouseout', function(event) { mapobject.hover($(this), event); }); }); can please suggest me changes smooth transitions... in advance! :) so first of all, unrelated ti

android - Asynctask (DownloadImageTask) failure -

if know last question, 4 activities randomly crashing. follow-up. i tried implementing worker thread recommended me, asynctask code i've put in isn't working. i've tried looking @ stack overflow , android documentation no avail. there way working? here's code: package tk.test.wirewizard; import; import android.content.intent; import; import android.os.asynctask; import android.os.bundle; import; import android.view.menuitem; import android.view.view; import android.widget.button; import android.widget.imageview; import tk.test.wirewizard.r; public class hdmi extends activity { imageview mimageview; @override protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.activity_hdmi); button b1 = (button) findviewbyid(; button b2 = (button) findviewbyid(

how to detect the mobile connection is 2G/3G/WIFI using javascript -

i have similar requirement in link below have handle using javascript. have detect whether mobile internet connection 2g/3g or wifi . based on connection have perform diffent operations.. note : mobile can b of os andriod/ ios/bb .. need handle mobile os. is there way detect kind of connection i'm using ? wifi, 3g or ethernet? request masters me inputs. :) network information api (this experimental technology): the network information api provides information system's connection, in term of general connection type (e.g., 'wifi', 'cellular', etc.). can used select high definition content or low definition content based on user's connection. entire api consists of addition of domxref("networkinformation") interface , single property navigator interface: navigator.connection. var connection = navigator.connection || navigator.mozconnection || navigator.webkitconnection; var type = connection.type; function upd

sql - How to fetch record from resulted table? -

i come across situation after executing query getting result this stdid studentname subcode grade 1 pinky 1 1 pinky 2 1 leena 1 1 leena 2 1 leena 3 b 2 rupali 1 2 megha 1 grade d.i want show record once when grade same same stid,does not matter subcode , studentname.if grade different same stid,show both record. here want show stdid studentname subcode grade 1 leena 2 1 leena 3 b 2 rupali 1 how that? you can using distinct statement. select distinct stdid, studentname, grade yourtable note not possible show subcode column in case. if show this, need decide 1 of multiple values in subcode column should shown , join on original table. hope answers looking do. thanks..

android - struggling with ImageButton animation -

i'm struggling android animation , see imagebutton going out of screen when swiping left , make them come inside screen when swiping right. think should use translate effect, don't know how see button moving on whole path. want make swiping intuitive, user should see button went out , in direction. tried one: final animation move = animationutils.loadanimation(mainactivity.this, r.animator.moveout); menubarlayout.startanimation(shake); moveout.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <translate xmlns:android="" android:interpolator="@android:anim/accelerate_decelerate_interpolator" android:duration="500" android:fillafter="true" android:fromxdelta="10" android:fromydelta="0" android:toxdelta="0%" android:toydelta="-100%" />

android - Marquee text is no working properly in samsung Galaxy S3 -

i have done marquee text. did following code snippet <textview android:id="@+id/scrolltext" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:background="#000" android:ellipsize="marquee" android:marqueerepeatlimit="marquee_forever" android:padding="5dip" android:scrollhorizontally="true" android:singleline="true" android:text="@string/scrolltext" android:textcolor="#f4ce6b" /> problem is not working in phones samsung galaxy s3. complete text not displayed. instead of few dotes there. solved issue. i made mistake in coding calling additional scrolling movement method. scroll_text.settext(scroll); scroll_text.setselected(true); scroll_text.setmovementmethod(new scrollingmovementmethod()); now seems ok removing line of code. s

javascript - Load pdf from remote url to send as Mandrill attachment -

i trying load pdf in cloud code , send attachment mandrill. as mandrill needs base64 encoded string attachment use buffer change encoding. the result right pdf attachment cannot opened , think error caused recoding. i guessed text returned request utf8 i'm not sure. any suggestions? var buffer = require('buffer').buffer; function loadpdf(pdfurl) { var promise = new parse.promise();{ method: 'get', url: pdfurl, success: function (httpresponse) { // put text buffer var buf = new buffer('httpresponse.text', 'utf8'); // encode text base64 promise.resolve(buf.tostring('base64')); }, error: function (httpresponse) { console.error(httpresponse); console.error("token request failed response code " + httpresponse.status); } }); return promise; } the result of function put "attachments": [ { "type":

xml - xslt 1.0 groupping by node attribute(s) and output as html -

i've searched stackoverflow this, somehow did not find example fit me. not particularly skilled when comes xslt. want transform given xml: <root> <list id="1" name="list1"> <item rownumber="1" data="list1row1" name="firstrow"> </item> <item rownumber="2" data="list1row2" name="secondrow"> </item> <item rownumber="3" data="list1row3" name="thirdrow"> </item> </list> <list id="2" name="list2"> <item rownumber="1" data="list2row1" name="firstrow"> </item> <item rownumber="2" data="list2row2" name="secondrow"> </item> <item rownumber="3" data="list2row3" name="thirdrow">

android - Send SMS after onClick positiveButton is pressed -

a dialog box opens after "panic" button pressed. dialog box confirming presser indeed panicking. after "yes" button pressed, want send sms number (just using mine atm) this have far: in main menu: public panic panic; public void panicsos(view view) { alertdialog.builder builder = new alertdialog.builder(this); builder.settitle("sos beacon"); builder.setmessage("are sure?"); builder.setpositivebutton("on", new dialoginterface.onclicklistener() { public void onclick(dialoginterface dialog, int which) { //sets panic mode panic.sendrequest(null); dialog.dismiss(); } } ); builder.setnegativebutton("off", new dialoginterface.onclicklistener() { @override public void onclick(dialoginterface dialog, int which) {

c# - DataList SelectedIndexChange event not firing -

i have hyperlink , hidden field inside datalist shown below <asp:datalist id="clientslist" runat="server" onselectedindexchanged="clientslist_selectedindexchanged1" > <itemtemplate> <asp:hyperlink id="hlname" runat="server" text='<%# bind("name") %>' navigateurl="#" ></asp:hyperlink> <asp:hiddenfield id="hiddenfieldid" runat="server" value='<%# eval("id") %>' /> </itemtemplate> </asp:datalist> when user clicks on hyperlink, need store value in application variable. selectedindexchange event never fires. this code: protected void clientslist_selectedindexchanged1(object sender, eventargs e) { int idx = clientslist.selectedindex; hiddenfield hiddencid = clientslist.items[idx].findcontrol("hiddenfieldid") hiddenfield; if (hi

code documentation - Can different styles be read by Doxygen -

can both style of comments below read doyxgen? the doxy block comments in format: /** * \brief * \param * \return */ and ones in libstdc++ in format: /** * @brief * @param * @return */ i think correct formats like: /*! \brief \param \return */ and /** * @brief * @param * @return */ mixed style couldn't work.

How can I rewrite this Haskell using guards with no case-of? -

i have 3 versions of function laid out below. #2 , #3 work. #2 first choice right now. i'd find way of making #1 work, , see how compares. it's down @ bottom. first, have type: data value = intval int | boolval bool deriving (show) and (working fragment of a) function: -- #2 evaluate (if ec et ef) s0 = case vc of (intval ____) -> error "conditional expression in if statement must boolean" (boolval vcb) -> if vcb (vt, st) else (vf, sf) (vc, sc) = evaluate ec s0 (vt, st) = evaluate et sc (vf, sf) = evaluate ef sc i'm wondering if can rid of case statement , use guards instead. can use guards inside case statement, i've found works: -- #3 evaluate (if ec et ef) s0 = case vc of (intval _) -> error "conditional expression in if statement must boolean" (boolval vcb) | vcb -> (vt, st) | otherwise -> (vf, sf) (vc, sc) = evalua

Android: Optimize nested layouts -

i have created layout , i'm experiencing lot of performance issues in gridview. have read nested layouts can prevent smooth scrolling: here code: <linearlayout xmlns:android="" xmlns:tools="" android:layout_width="100dp" android:layout_height="wrap_content"> <relativelayout xmlns:android="" android:id="@+id/relativelayout" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" > <com.bestpick.bestpickapplication.squareimageview android:id="@+id/menu_item_image" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="100dp" android:b

c# - what is the function to find otsu threshold in emgu cv? -

i don't need thresholded image. want threshold. found in opencv. cv::threshold( orig_img, thres_img, 0, 255, cv_thresh_binary+cv_thresh_otsu ); is there equivalent in emgucv. in advance. ps. need use threshold canny edge detector you can refer code auto canny edge detector! image<gray, byte> img_source_gray = img_org_gray.copy(); image<gray, byte> img_egde_gray = img_source_gray.copyblank(); image<gray, byte> img_sourcesmoothed_gray = img_source_gray.copyblank(); image<gray, byte> img_otsu_gray = img_org_gray.copyblank(); img_sourcesmoothed_gray = img_source_gray.smoothgaussian(3); double cannyaccthresh = cvinvoke.cvthreshold(img_egdenr_gray.ptr, img_otsu_gray.ptr, 0, 255, |; double cannythresh = 0.1 * cannyaccthresh; img_otsu_gray.dispose(); img_egde_gray = img_sourcesmoothed_gray.canny(cannythresh, cannyaccthresh); imagebox2.image = img_egde_gray;

koa - Node.js http.createServer throws TypeError: listener must be a function -

index.js: var koa = require('koa') , primus = require('') , http = require('http') , app = koa() , server = http.createserver(app); var primus = new primus(server, { transformer: 'websockets', parser: 'json' }); primus.on('connection', function (spark) { spark.send('news', { hello: 'world' }); spark.on('my other event', function (data) { console.log(data); }); }); app.get('/', function (req, res) { res.sendfile(__dirname + '/index.html'); }); server.listen(8080); console.log('8080'); run: node --harmony index and err: throw typeerror('listener must function'); you need change code this: server = http.createserver(app.callback())

html - How do you use one class for multiple tags? -

i want use 1 class 2 different tags. have declare <h1 class="line"> , <p class="line" > ??? , in css .line , change both then? please help. thanks you need declare class within css: .line { background-color: red; } and can apply class html elements: <tag1 class="line" /> <tag2 class="line" />

Share common models between two Rails Application -

i developing e-commerce application , working on admin website. these 2 applications have same business domain , there few models e-commerce application need in admin app. i have found few solutions online sharing models although not clear better , how should implement it. solutions found: create rake task copy models e-commerce app admin app create third ruby module , put models in there , pull models app directory newly created lib , require inside app auto loading models e-commerce app admin ruby search config.autoload_paths += %w(#{config.root}/../e-commerce-app/app/models/) i think second solution right way though unsure of how implement it. none of these. how creating shared gem , put on private git repo. rails can provide same mechanism autoloading models within application packaging gem rails_engine see example at end require within gemfile gem 'my_gem_name', git: '' a more advance solution cre

typoscript - TYPO3 lib vs temp in FLUIDTEMPLATE -

i read somewhere if build example menu in typo3 should use temp instead of lib (for performance reason). strange, in fluid tutorials use lib building menu. is normal or maybe in fluid should use lib ? temp temporary - it's not cached... can't reference way... lib opposite stable it's cached , can use references < in ts in general, if site cached lib more useful temp .

Is it possible to lock an android app in portrait mode only on phones with cordova? -

i app support following orientations: on phones: portrait or reverse-portrait on tablets: portrait, reverse-portrait, landscape, reverse-landscape i finding lot of information how in android application, not in cordova application. there no way without having modify java code? i have solved problem on ios adding following project's plist file: <key>uisupportedinterfaceorientations</key> <array> <string>uiinterfaceorientationportrait</string> <string>uiinterfaceorientationportraitupsidedown</string> </array> <key>uisupportedinterfaceorientations~ipad</key> <array> <string>uiinterfaceorientationportrait</string> <string>uiinterfaceorientationlandscapeleft</string> <string>uiinterfaceorientationportraitupsidedown</string> <string>uiinterfaceorientationlandscaperight</string> </array> the plist file created cordova , it's xml file, it& counting an element of an array that has 4 possibilities -

i have array of 18 questions. each question has 4 possibilities of answer ranging 1 4. i'd count how many people answered question1 , on. codes below. have better way it? can't list 18 questions that. dim question(18) string dim ans1arr() string = {0, 0, 0, 0} dim ans2arr() string = {0, 0, 0, 0} if ques(0) = 1 ans1arr(0) = ans1arr(0) + 1 elseif ques(0) = 2 ans1arr(1) = ans1arr(1) + 1 elseif ques(0) = 3 ans1arr(2) = ans1arr(2) + 1 elseif ques(0) = 4 ans1arr(3) = ans1arr(3) + 1 end if if ques(1) = 1 ans2arr(0) = ans2arr(0) + 1 elseif ques(1) = 2 ans2arr(1) = ans2arr(1) + 1 elseif ques(1) = 3 ans2arr(2) = ans2arr(2) + 1 elseif ques(1) = 4 ans2arr(3) = ans1arr(3) + 1 end if you can use lookup(of tkey, telement) similar dictionary apart fact returns empty sequence if key not available: dim lookup = question.tolookup(function(qnum) qnum) dim countanswerone int

curl - solr does not insert the first line in the csv file -

when csv file uploaded on curl command below c:\>curl "http://localhost:8983/solr/update/csv?commit=true&stream.file=c:\dev\tools\solr-4.7.2\data.txt&stream.contenttype=text/csv&header=false&fieldnames=id,cat,pubyear_i,title,author, series_s,sequence_i&skiplines=0" and data.txt content below book1,fantasy,2000,a storm of swords,george r.r. martin,a song of ice , fire,3 book2,fantasy,2005,a feast crows,george r.r. martin,a song of ice , fire,4 book3,fantasy,2011,a dance dragons,george r.r. martin,a song of ice , fire,5 book4,sci-fi,1987,consider phlebas,iain m. banks,the culture,1 book5,sci-fi,1988,the player of games,iain m. banks,the culture,2 book6,sci-fi,1990,use of weapons,iain m. banks,the culture,3 book7,fantasy,1984,shadows linger,glen cook,the black company,2 book8,fantasy,1984,the white rose,glen cook,the black company,3 book9,fantasy,1989,shadow games,glen cook,the black company,4 book10,sci-fi,2001,gridlinked,neal asher,ian cormac,1

Powershell getting full path information -

i have directory called videos. inside directory, bunch of sub directories of various cameras. have script check each of various cameras, , delete recordings older date. i having bit of trouble getting full directory information cameras. using following it: #get of paths each camera $paths = get-childitem -path "c:\videos\" | select-object fullname and loop through each path in $paths , delete whatever need to: foreach ($pa in $paths) { # delete files older $limit. $file = get-childitem -path $pa -recurse -force | where-object { $_.psiscontainer -and $_.creationtime -lt $limit } $file | remove-item -recurse -force $file | select -expand fullname | out-file $logfile -append } when run script, getting errors such as: @{fullname=c:\videos\pc1-cam1} get-childitem : cannot find drive. drive name '@{fullname=c' not exist. @ c:\scripts\bodycamdelete.ps1:34 char:13 + $file = get-childitem -path $pa -recurse -force | where-object { $_.psisc