
Showing posts from March, 2013 - My.Computer.fileSystem.moveFile:The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process -

***, desti) above code use move file "strfile" "desti".when move textfile content text work fine, problem occur when going move file empty content. guess open file stream , close file stream,but not sure this, can help? thanks. **edit strfile = iniread(gsysfile, "main", table(x), "")

swing - How to create such type of Jtable in java -

i newbie in jtable. want create jtable in following format attached. please me. thanks in advance. you need treetable component. out of box swing not provide such component. there number of libraries having it. example, swingx( ) - jxtreetable component. alternative may implement own component. search internet 'swing treetable component'

objective c - can not Load project workspace Integrity error in xcode 5.1.1? -

in xcode 5.1.1 have copy 1 project 1 pc another.and run shows error this. when click upon red block shows popup above

java - Parsing script that contains logic to execute -

i started @ antlrv4 give ability users of application provide custom logic specific domain. i found in many places embedding logic inside grammar bad practice. therefore, seems recommended approach walk through tree generated antlr , produce sort of object represent script execution. does mean need handle expression evaluation, method invocation, variable handling, etc...? or there better approach such use case? thanks, mickael antlr 4 parser few utilities obtaining information parse trees creates. if want include expressions, methods, and/or variables in language, need implement own behavior each of these regardless of code implemented.

xamarin - How to Return All Rows in a Table of Azure Mobile Service .Net Backend -

how can fetch rows of table in azure mobile services .net backend no clause. here attempt , not working. saying undefined member. public async task<list<customer>> fetchallcustomers() { var allcustomers = new list<customer>(); try { var list = await _customertable.tolistasync(); foreach (var customer in list) { allcustomers.add(customer); } } catch (exception e) {, "error fetching customers" + e.message); } return allcustomers; } how can re-write simple method fetch customers in customer table in azure service. calling client , have added items table. carlos have answered similar question here azure mobile service query doesn't return rows i added new field called active can apply where(active =; the q

c# - database not found after publish -

i make 1 project sql database , works without error in visual studio 2012 after publish , install it, when take backup shows below error "database 'c:\users\lu\appdata\local\apps\2.0\d9hbhd8t.y1h\5b2jmg1t.n8w\game..tion_60f48512c0fd7b6a_0001.0000_7a5b2d8ced8c74c0\gamedata.mdf' not exist. make sure name entered correctly. backup database terminating abnormally." here procedure create proc dbackup @databasename sysname, @path nvarchar(400) backup database @databasename disk = @path init return here backup code: private void button1_click(object sender, eventargs e) { database db=new database(); try { db.connect(); sqlcommand ocommand = new sqlcommand(@"dbackup",db.sqlcon); ocommand.commandtype = commandtype.storedprocedure; ocommand.parameters.addwithvalue("@databasename", application.startuppath + "\\gamedata.mdf"); ocommand.parameters.addwithvalue("@path", textbox1.text); ocomman

django - gethostbyaddr() raises UnicodeDecodeError in Python 3 -

i'm trying build django project python 3.4.1. runserver raises unicodedecodeexception. how can resolved? see below (trimmed) traceback: traceback (most recent call last): file "c:\python34\lib\", line 429, in __init__ self.server_bind() file "c:\python34\lib\site-packages\django\core\servers\", line 121 , in server_bind super(wsgiserver, self).server_bind() file "c:\python34\lib\wsgiref\", line 50, in server_bind httpserver.server_bind(self) file "c:\python34\lib\http\", line 135, in server_bind self.server_name = socket.getfqdn(host) file "c:\python34\lib\", line 460, in getfqdn hostname, aliases, ipaddrs = gethostbyaddr(name) unicodedecodeerror: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xcf in position 12: invalid continuation byte per request, hostname: c:\users\anatoliyvik>hostname anatoliyvik-ПК chang

netbeans - XDebug doesn't stop on breakpoints set on Yii controllers' actions -

i code in yii framewor, using netbeans 8.0.1 , eclipse. local developement environment build on xampp. can see, breakpoints set anywhere within wordpress code works fine. but, when try set breakpoint on yii's controller or action, xdebug won't stop @ point. work on index.php of project. however, xdebug_break() work controllers, not actions. my php.ini settings xdebug are: [xdebug] zend_extension = c:\xampp\php\ext\php_xdebug-2.2.5-5.5-vc11.dll ;xdebug.profiler_append = 0 ;xdebug.profiler_enable = 1 ;xdebug.profiler_enable_trigger = 0 xdebug.profiler_output_dir = "c:\xampp\tmp" xdebug.profiler_output_name = "cachegrind.out.%t-%s" xdebug.remote_enable = 1 xdebug.remote_handler = "dbgp" xdebug.remote_host = xdebug.trace_output_dir = "c:\xampp\tmp" xdebug.idekey=netbeans-xdebug xdebug.remote_port=9000 xdebug.remote_log = "c:/xampp/tmp/xdebug_remot.log" xdebug.show_local_vars = 9 xdebug.max_nesting_level = 250

comma separated auto complete with jquery not working with javascript json data -

i trying create comma separated auto complete text field auto complete json data comes java script itself.. see code below: the java script array: var remark = [ "is under construction", "is part of construction.", "has acquired other work.", "could not source construction." ]; the auto complete method: $("#remark").bind("keydown", function(event) { if (event.keycode === $ && $(this).data("ui-autocomplete") { event.preventdefault(); } }).autocomplete({ source: function(request, response) { $.getjson(json.stringify(remark), { //this line issue.. term: extractlast(request.term) }, response); }, search: function() { var term = extractlast(this.value); if (term.length < 2) { retur

c++ - programming c threaded io -

hi want read text file text , write out file. need threaded 3 party can run @ same time. trying use buffer read in , buffer write out cant work out. my code : #include <stdio.h> #include <pthread.h> char inbuf[1000]; //char outbuf[]; void *readerfun(void *meg){ char *inputfile; file *input_ptr; inputfile = (char *) meg; input_ptr = fopen(inputfile, "r"); if(input_ptr == null){ printf("%s\n", inputfile); printf("input file not working\n"); return; } while(!feof(input_ptr)){ fscanf(input_ptr, "%s", &inbuf); sleep(1); // printf("%s\n", &inbuf ); // printf("test _____________\n" ); } return null; } void *modifierfun(void *meg){ //char c; //while((c = getc(inbuf) != eof)){ //strcat(outbuf, c); //} //} return null; } void *writerfun(void *meg){ char *outfile; file *output_ptr; outfile = (char *) meg; output_ptr = fopen(outfile, "a"); while(in

python - wxPython wx.ScrolledWindow insert wx.Panel -

i trying insert wx.panel wx.scrolledwindow. have wx.panel object named self.enttitle have 2 input fields title , date. have few other objects want add in scrolledwindow, want 1 working first before go on others. here code: import wx entryscrollpanel import entryscrollpanel class myframe(wx.frame): def __init__(self, parent, id, title): wx.frame.__init__(self, parent, id, title=title, size=(850,725)) # creating panels self.main = wx.panel(self) # create notebook on panel self.nb = wx.notebook(self.main, 1) # create page windows children of notebook entrypg = entryscrollpanel(self.nb, wx.id_any, wx.defaultposition, wx.defaultsize, style=wx.vscroll) # add pages notebook label show on tab self.nb.addpage(self.userfcode, "fcodes") # create sizers self.mainsizer = wx.boxsizer(wx.vertical) # adding objects mainsizer self.mainsizer.addspacer(10) #s

javascript - How to add new list item to unordered list -

i have html page unordered list following (simplified): <ul id="mylist"> <li id="item1">item 1 <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="mybutton">add</a></li> <li id="item2">item 2 <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="mybutton">add</a></li> <li id="item3">item 3 <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="mybutton">add</a></li> <li id="item4">item 4 <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="mybutton">add</a></li> <li id="item5">item 5 <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="mybutton">add</a></li> </ul> is there way using jquery can add new list item below current one, click on corresponding button ? example: if click button item 2 new list item added between item 2 , item 3. i wasn't sure

javascript - Saving the coordinates of multiple points in OL3 -

i'm using openlayers3 , have map user can draw 1 or more points. implemented that. however, i'd save coordinates of every point. but don't know how that, since openlayers3 rather new , i'm having hard time finding examples online. this have far: var modeselect = document.getelementbyid('type'); var draw; // global can remove later //modify var featureoverlay = new ol.featureoverlay({ style: new{ fill: new{ color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2)' }), stroke: new{ color: '#ffcc33', width: 2 }), image: new{ radius: 7, fill: new{ color: '#ffcc33' }) }) }) }); featureoverlay.setmap(map); // modify end function addinteraction() { var value = modeselect.value; if (value == 'point') { draw = new ol.interaction.draw({ //source: source, features: fe

java - MIPS programming basic for-loop -

i writing mips program factorial. have written factorial example in java, , have have mips program below java code. have majority of mips written out, confused why not processing correctly. tips appreciated. java code iteratve factorial algorithm: import java.util.scanner; public class factormachine { public static void main(string[] args) { int input; scanner in = new scanner(; system.out.println("enter integer factored: "); input = in.nextint(); { int x, factorial = 1; (x = input; x > 1; x--) factorial *= x; system.out.println("factorial #" + input + " " + factorial); } } } mips code: .data p1: .asciiz "enter integer factored: " ans1: .asciiz "factorial # " ans2: .asciiz " " ans3: .asciiz "\n\n" .text .globl main main: li $v0, 4 la $a0, p1 syscall

sql - Unable to connect to database C# -

i've been trying connect ms sql database through connection string in app.config, reason fails login, can't seem figure out. this connection method: public void con() { string username = usernamebox.text; string password = passwordbox.text; bool loginfail; sqlconnection conn = new sqlconnection(configurationmanager.connectionstrings["lagerconn"].connectionstring); //search connstring user id= & password= , replace username , password textboxes if (_connstring.contains("user id=")) { _connstring = _connstring.replace("user id=;", "user id=" + username + ";"); } if (_connstring.contains("password=")) { _connstring = _connstring.replace("password=", "password='" + password + "'"); } try {; conn.close();

apache - Unable to enable .htaccess or its not working -

i have setup condeigniter installation , inorder remove index.php url,i have configured .htaccess file.but not working.the .htaccess file not working.i tested adding irrelevent data in files , didnt throw errors. this following configuration in httpd.conf file <directory/> options followsymlinks allowoverride order deny,allow deny satisfy </directory> in htaccess file have added 'deny all' , still allowing access directory. can me on how enable .htaccess ? pls find config file below # # dynamic shared object (dso) support # # able use functionality of module built dso # have place corresponding `loadmodule' lines @ location # directives contained in available _before_ used. # statically compiled modules (those listed `httpd -l') not need # loaded here. # # example: # loadmodule foo_module modules/ # loadmodule auth_basic_module modules/ loadmodule auth_digest_module modules/ loadmodule authn_file_m

salt stack - Make minion wait until Master runner complete -

i'm trying have master send script minion backs database , files. want master rsync files have been created backup script fire event backup complete master. master handles event in reactor , starts runner performs rsync. i want minion wait runner complete , return before reports state 'backup-complete' successful. minion reports state executed without waiting response of runner. my current setup works this: run backup script on minion the master salt 'minion' state.sls backup the minion triggers event backup complete (and returns immedieately) backup-complete: - name: 'event.fire_master' - fun: fire_master - tag: backup/complete - data: {"status":"backup complete"} the master has reactor catches event , calls runner backup_complete: runner.sync-backup.sync: - status: {{ data['data']['status'] }} the runner executes rsync command sync files , directories , return

sql server - crystal reports "show sql query" - how accurate is it? -

the business wanting new crystal reports built within designer , less database objects, procedures , views. aim being future transparent maintenance. making tasks more difficult me. wondering accuracy of show sql query? have little control on actual sql query being run on server , feel flying blind. obviously makes more sense build of logic server-side trying keep client happy. latest foray highlights glaring issues show sql query: multiple table hits not showing! eg: 3 different tables needing hit same base table. have linked base table multiple times , changed naming suit. query shown show sql query mentions 1 of 3 tables! though report working off 3 repeated tables fine. nested logic promlematic. have copy , paste text editor, bit of formatting make sql readable , doesn't right logic wise. is there way keep happy?

xcode - Using enums in method arguments in Objective-C -

i have header file apimanager.h in define enum: typedef enum apiendpoint { // values } apiendpoint; in file, have method takes 1 of these values argument: - (nsstring *) getpathforendpoint: (apiendpoint) endpoint; and seems fine xcode. in file, however, apimanagerdelegate.h , have following definitions: - (void) requesttoendpoint: (apiendpoint) endpoint succeeded: (id) responseobject; - (void) requesttoendpoint: (apiendpoint) endpoint failed: (nserror *) error; and xcode flags both of apiendpoint arguments error expected type . have imported apimanager.h apiendpoint show in completions list, reason xcode isn't recognising it. what doing wrong? it looks cyclic dependencies problem, pointed out @trojanfoe has mysteriously deleted answer. moving typedef separate file apiendpoint.h solved issue.

mysql - Storing joda datetime using slick, always stores UTC datetime -

i having problems storing datetime value in mysql db using slick, have case class this: case class facebookshares( var id: int, var designid: int, var shareorgid: string, var sharerid: int, var sharedlink: string, var sharedtimestamp: instant, var shareddatetime: datetime, var modifiedtimestamp: instant) { def this() = this(0, 0, "", 0, "","america/new_york")).toinstant,"america/new_york")), } and slick projection class: class facebookshareprojection(tag: tag) extends table[facebookshares](tag, "facebook_shares_47") { def id: column[int] = column[int]("id", o.primarykey) def designid: column[int] = column[int]("fs_design_id") def shareorgid: column[string] = column[string]("fs_share_org_id") def sharerid: column[int] = column[int]("fs_sharer_id") def sharedlink: column[st

java - Setting up dev env for Cordova on Windows: ant does not recognize JAVA_HOME -

i have been trying set cordova on windows 7 machine. after hours of troubleshooting believe have narrowed problem down configuration of ant, i'm @ loss how fix it. when executing cordova build prompt, under -compile: get: build failed c:\path\to\ant\build.xml:601: following error occurred while executing line: c:\path\to\ant\build.xml:720: following error occurred while executing line: c:\path\to\ant\build.xml:734: unable find javac compiler; not on classpath. perhaps java_home_ not point jdk. set "c:\program files(x86)\java\jre1.8.0_20" now frustrating part in environment variables java_home point jdk , not jre . when run set java_home get: java_home=c:\program files(x86)\java\jdk1.8.0_20 when run echo %java_home% get: c:\program files(x86)\java\jdk1.8.0_20 here of relevant environment variables (i think): ant_home: c:\ant java_home: c:\program files(x86)\java\jdk1.8.0_20 path: c:\program files (x86)\nodejs\;c:\program

salesforce - Expanded lookup in Tasks for a custom object in Visualforce -

i'm new @ this, appreciate help. trying create expanded lookup field activities (tasks) page since in visualforce. want lookup custom object called telemarketers. here's have far , can't seem make work! <apex:page standardcontroller="task"> <apex:form > <apex:inputfield value="{!task.telemarketer.name_c}"/> </apex:form> </apex:page> i've tried changing {!task.telemarketer.name_c} other things keep getting errors " invalid field telemarketer sobject task" "could not resolve field 'telemarketername_c' value binding '{!task.telemarketername_c}' in page sample1 " "could not resolve field 'telemarketername' value binding '{!task.telemarketername}' in page sample1 " help please!! im going crazy following observations 1) not sure if using id on apex page url should - id re

sql - MySQL Query Optimization for large tables -

i have query take 50 seconds select `security_tasks`.`itemid` `itemid` `security_tasks` inner join `relations` on (`relations`.`user_id` = `security_tasks`.`user_id` , `relations`.`relation_type_id` = `security_tasks`.`relation_type_id` , `relations`.`relation_with` = 3001 ) records in security_tasks = 841321 || records in relations = 234254 create table `security_tasks` ( `id` int(11) not null auto_increment, `user_id` int(11) default null, `itemid` int(11) default null, `relation_type_id` int(11) default null, `task_id` int(2) default '0', `job_id` int(2) default '0', `task_type_id` int(2) default '0', `name` int(2) default '0' primary key (`id`), key `itemid` (`itemid`), key `relation_type_id` (`relation_type_id`), key `user_id` (`user_id`) ) engine=innodb auto_increment=1822995 default charset=utf8; create table `relations` ( `id` int(11) not null auto_increment, `user_id` int(11) default null, `relatio

How do I print out a user's input, letter for letter in C? -

the assignment has quite bit of stuff incorporated unfortunately, professor is... lacking in explanation. i'm not quite sure on how syntax if read user's input, print out each letter input in vertical line. in long-run, goal print out each character word in vertical line, print out binary values right of them. ex: input = hello expected output = h e l l o one of keys programming breaking problems down smaller, more manageable pieces. take 1 step @ time, adding 1 feature each go round. read user's input. don't else, read in. print user's input typed it. hello now print input character character. print h , e , l , etc. you'll need write loop this. hello (the end result same step #2, code longer. in preparation next step.) now print each character on separate line instead of on same line. h e l l o finally, convert each letter uppercase print them. h e l l o if don't know how particular step, that's google comes in

Including profiles with spring.profiles.include seems to override instead of include -

i'm trying partition configuration properties several spring boot applications. i'm using spring boot 1.1.6, , our configuration properties expressed in yaml in usual application.yml style. i've created various profiles common base parameters, common db parameters, etc. trying use include feature mentioned in spring boot reference docs, seems work override , not include. i.e. opposite of want. given following content in application.yml, have expected property name have value bar when bar profile active, instead gets set foo (from included profile). thought notion of including meant loaded first, , identically named properties set in new profile override included profile. kind of if subclass shadowing field superclass, instance of subclass reflect shadowed value. here's file: spring: profiles: foo name: foo --- # new yaml doc starts here spring: profiles: include: foo profiles: bar name: bar if run in test case "bar" profile explicitly

c# - I am not able see generated QR Code Image in Xamarin using ZXing.NET.Mobile -

please me , i not able see generated qr code image. doing wrong ! i have used xamarin forms . have used image populated in stacklayout public class barcodepage : contentpage { public barcodepage () { image img = new image { aspect = xamarin.forms.aspect.aspectfit }; img.source = imagesource.fromstream (() => { var writer = new barcodewriter { format = barcodeformat.qr_code, options = new encodingoptions { height = 200, width = 600 } }; var bitmap = writer.write ("my content"); memorystream ms = new memorystream (); bitmap.compress (bitmap.compressformat.jpeg, 100, ms); return ms; }); var layout = new stacklayout { children = { img} }; content = layout; } as writing bitmap data memorystream

html - Getting Values / Answers from radio button and storing it in SQL Database using PHP -

i doing online aptitude test company pick 20 random questions database , display on webpage answering. but have problem in storing answered values in sql database, please 1 can me issue, <?php $connect = mysql_connect("localhost","root","") or die(mysql_error()); $sel=mysql_select_db("aptitude"); $query = mysql_query("select * `questions` order rand() limit 20 "); while($rows = mysql_fetch_array($query)){ $q = $rows['qno']; $qus = $rows['question']; $a = $rows['opt1']; $b = $rows['opt2']; $c = $rows['opt3']; $d = $rows['opt4']; $ans = $rows['ans']; echo "<b>question:-<br></b>$qus <br>"; echo " <input type=radio name = 'answer[$q]' value = '$a'></input>$a &nbsp &nbsp"; echo " <input type=radio name = 'answer[$q]' value = &

css - html and svg sizing issue -

i have following html structure: html <div class="row"> <div class="cell">1234</div> <div class="cell">5678</div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="cell">1234</div> <div class="cell"><div><svg width="100%" height="100%"></svg></div></div> </div> css .row { display: table-row; background-color: #dadada; } .cell { display: table-cell; width: 50px; height: 25px; } fiddle can tell me why row svg cell higher 25px ? note the svg rendered library, can't set height. well, clarified issue both codes of yours, since svg inline element default, need use vertical-align: top; inorder rid of height disturbance.. svg { vertical-align: top; } demo it better if assign id svg element , modify selector accordingly.

iphone - no matching provisioning profiles found in xcode 6 -

i getting no matching provisioning profiles found "my application" message when try make ad hoc distribution of application using xcode 6. tried possible solution not working. please me thank in fact, need create new distribution profile, specific ad hoc deployment. can found in classic member center, new type of certificate. you can select devices can used test app ou developer profile. and newly created certificate available when export package organizer usual way. alternatively can use testflight solution provided apple ios 8 enable user have access prerelease.

php - Error in Magento Check out page -

a:5:{i:0;s:362:"parse_ini_file() [function.parse-ini-file]: unable access /home/iyurway2/public_html/includes/src/../../config/citruspay.ini parse_ini_file(/home/iyurway2/public_html/includes/src/../../config/citruspay.ini) [function.parse-ini-file]: failed open stream: no such file or directory";i:1;s:1290:"#0 /home/iyurway2/public_html/includes/src/zend/config/ini.php(202): zend_config_ini->_parseinifile('/home/iyurway2/...') 1 /home/iyurway2/public_html/includes/src/zend/config/ini.php(126): zend_config_ini->_loadinifile('/home/iyurway2/...') 2 /home/iyurway2/public_html/includes/src/citruspay_moto_block_form_pay.php(56): zend_config_ini->__construct('/home/iyurway2/...', 'production') 3 /home/iyurway2/public_html/includes/src/__default.php(2592): citruspay_moto_block_form_pay->_tohtml() 4 /home/iyurway2/public_html/app/code/community/citruspay/moto/controllers/indexcontroller.php(9): mage_core_block_abstract->

php - Force Https for custom pages -

i followed following tutorial: yii 1.1: url management websites secure , nonsecure pages this code /protected/config/main.php 'urlmanager'=>array( 'class' => 'urlmanager', 'hostinfo' => '', 'securehostinfo' => '', 'secureroutes' => array( 'site/booking', // site/login action ), 'urlformat' => 'path', 'showscriptname' => false, 'casesensitive' => false, 'urlsuffix' => '.html', 'rules' => array( '<controller:\w+>/<id:\d+>'=>'<controller>/view', '<controller:\w+>/<action:\w+>/<id:\d+>'=>'<controller>/<action>', '<controller:\w+>/<action:\w+>'=>'<controller>/<action>', '<module:\w

linux - How to give options for "configure" using yocto recipes? -

i want write recipe in yocto build custom component. in enable flags according machine. eg: if machine x86 my configure command should : ./configure --enable-x86 if x64 ./configure --enable-x64 i using auto tools building. please me in writing recipe "" achieving this. ps: new yocto. you can provide configure options using extra_oeconf . here, can append values based on architecture. extra_oeconf_append_x86="--enable-x86" extra_oeconf_append_x64="--enable-x64" you can if architecture (x86/x64) defined aprt of override value. let see override value is: the yocto bitbake configuration values defined in poky/meta/conf/bitbake.conf . in file, there variable called override . sample value override in bitbake configuration shown below: overrides = "${target_os}:${translated_target_arch}:build-${build_os}:pn-${pn}:${machineoverrides}:${distrooverrides}:${classoverride}:forcevariable" when run bitbake

netbeans - Webstorm svn changes in files -

lately changed webstorm netbeans , have small problem. have project checkouted folder via tortoisesvn. in netbeans opening files checkout folder , had labels lanes changed/were added/deleted last svn update. guess webstorm has feature needs more configuration. can point me out should do? webstorm support feature - see

c++ - Eclipse CDT shows "unresolved inclussion" Errors though project compiles -

i using eclipse cdt luna c++/c project. have downloaded github , maintaining local repository. imported project eclipse "existing code makefile project". when build application once on command line compiles , runs , debug source. annoying @ moment std included , system included shows "unresolved inclusion" error. i ve changed toolchain in project properties linux gcc, cross gcc , gnu autotools wont go aw ay. i added following paths , tried buld index did not work either. does has idea why happens. once again iterating project compiles , runs fine these markings annoying can not see breakpoints ect. std setting of project properties follows.

javascript - Error in the validation form blank textarea with jquery validate and ajax post form -

i have spring project , task register comment on particular system design. form of page follows: <form id="formulariocadastrocomentario" role="form" method="post" class="form-horizontal"> <input type="hidden" id="projeto" name="projeto" value="${}"> <input type="hidden" id="usuario" name="usuario" value="${}"> <input type="hidden" id="usuario_nome" name="usuario" value="${usuario.nome}"> <label class="control-label"for="textocomentarioinput"><h3>novo comentário</h3></label> <div class="form-group"> <div class="input-group"> <textarea id="textocomentarioinput" name="texto" class="form-control" placeholder="comentá

Excel VBA error: "cannot complete task with available resources" -

i wonder whether may able me please. with along way i've put following script performs following: searches column b (containing approx 31,000 rows of data) of sheet "all data" unique values. for each unique value, code try find matching sheet same value within workbook. where match found i'm trying use code below create graph data on sheet. sub forecastscharts() dim chtob chartobject dim lw long dim rng range dim rngtocover range dim sshapename string dim shtrng range dim long dim rowindex dim ad worksheet dim col long dim datarow long dim rw long sheets("all data").select application.screenupdating = false datarow = 8 until cells(datarow, 2).value = "" ' loop through data rows sheets(cells(datarow, 2).value) ' output go applicable portfolio sheet found in column b set rng = .range("b11").currentregion 'if ap

java - Orientation Change Causes Series of Fragments in Activity Disappear and Do Not Apply Save Instance State -

so hit roadblock in development project. this time involves fragments regard changing orientation , persisting saved instance states. please pardon me if involves 2 questions involve same problem catalyst orientation change. try detailed possible please bear me. i have bunch of fragments using single activity host. in mind, fragments grouped sections although still modular/reusable code. so have 3 fragments hosted inside single fragment implements navigation drawer. logical flow goes this: frag1 -> (press next) -> frag2 -> (press next) -> frag3 the creation of frag2 , frag3 calls addtobackstack() in committing transaction in fragmentmanager. problem when in frag2 or frag3 , change device orientation, fragments disappear , show frag1. the other problem when in frag1, type text in edittext, , change orientation, text disappears despite implementing onsaveinstancestate(bundle bundle). here relevant code snippets: code snippet creating frag1 in activity.

How to put a border over a HTML5 video with CSS3 -

i building website centered video, problem inside video black lines 1 on right side on on left, aren't big bugging me , colleagues. then had idea of laying tiny border same color background inside video element this: #vid { position: float; margin-top: 100px; height: 480px; width: 854px; border: 3px solid #ececec; box-sizing: border-box; } <video id="vid" loop autoplay autobuffer controls muted> <source type="video/mp4" src=""> </source> <source type="video/webm" src=""> </source> <source type="video/ogg" src=""></source> </video> got tip box-sizing this site . uploaded there no border visible. tested on normal div box without video , working fine. tried putting video in div